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Let's overanalyze the sh!t out of The Karate Kid (UPDATED page 9)

Posted on 1/10/12 at 1:49 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151686 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 1:49 pm
Since OML is obviously a giant cockgobbler, and we'll never see the too-overhyped Home Alone review, I figured we should move onto another great classic: The Karate Kid.

And before I go on, this is about the trilogy only. Anyone who mentions the Hilary Swank or Jaden Smith movies should be swiftly crane kicked in the balls or vagina.

Anyway, I caught the last hour or so of KK over the weekend, and started noticing lots of problems I have with it. So most of my analysis will stem from the last half or so of the first movie, but feel free to chime in on any and all things Larusso.

- Danielle Larusso.

First and foremost should be the obligatory mention of Daniel Larusso being the least likeable protagonist in movie history. Seriously, this smartass poor kid moves to a new city and immediately starts getting himself into trouble. You don't start a new high school and try to just jump into the popular kids circle. And you certainly don't frick with the popular dude's girl, no matter how much of a dick he is. Like at the beach, when John and his buddies ride their motorcycles down to the beach, he tries to get Ali to talk to him. Then, Daniel sticks his nose into their business and gets his arse kicked. I love how John tells her afterwards that it's her fault...that's classic Zabka.

At the Halloween dance, John is quietly taking a shite in the bathroom...the one place you'd think you could have some privacy, and what does Daniel do? He runs a hose to the stall and soaks John whilst on the throne. Once again, he sticks his nose into others' business and proceeds to get his arse kicked.

This isn't Jersey, poke the dog around these parts, and you get fricking bit, you fig.

- Ali is a bitch...with an "i."

So at the beach, when Daniel and Ali are playing soccer, Ali just randomly kicks the ball as hard as she can. Daniel, because he is a bitch, immediately runs off to go fetch it. Why the frick would she do that? She could've easily said "Hey, just a heads up but here comes my sort of boyfriend, so just sit tight and don't say anything."

Also at the beach, when John tries to talk to her, not only does she refuse to talk to him, but she acts like a complete bitch by turning the radio up every time he tries to talk to her.

Later, at the country club, Ali is dancing with her dad, and her mom (who is dancing with John) cuts in. Now, at that point, she could've refused a dance with John. But instead, she does it anyway and acts like she isn't enjoying it. Also, as Daniel watches from the kitchen, John leans in to kiss her and she gets all mad. I understand getting mad about the kiss, but why dance face to face with John in the first place?

And when she sees Daniel laying on the floor covered in spaghetti, does she go help him? Of course not. She sits there staring at him with pity as he scurries away.

Then that bitch has the nerve to be pissed off at Daniel at the arcade. Not to mention that she only dated him for two reasons. The first was pity...she felt bad that this poor kid was a loser and tried to make him feel better. Secondly, she did it because she knew John hated him and was trying to make him jealous. She didn't really like Daniel. Not even close. hell, she didn't even really completely accept his apology at the arcade until she saw that he had a new classic car. And to carry onto the arcade point, she straight up leaves her friends, who were clearly there to support her, at the arcade and rides off with Daniel and never tells them shite. They were probably worried sick.

- Mr. Miyagi is an all-around bad person. He's irresponsible, a drunk, a criminal, a dick, abuser/pedophile?

Miyagi contributes to the delinquency of a minor. He is a irresponsible one at that. At one point during his drunken fit at his house, he pours a 15 year old Daniel a glass of whiskey. That's contributing the the delinquency of a minor, Yags.

Miyagi is a dick. Obviously, he uses Daniel for one reason, and one reason only: as a slave to remodel his back yard, paint his house, and generally do housework. But even when he takes Daniel fishing, he has him stand on the bow of the boat and do his karate hand motions. And what does he "teach" Daniel while doing so? Nothing. He just talks about not letting Daniel punch anything and rocks the boat so he falls into the water. And does he help him back into the boat? Nope...he just sits there falling over and laughing uncontrollably ( see 3:02-3:28 for evidence).

Also, after giving Daniel the car for his birthday (which Daniel never once says thank you for, btw), Daniel shockingly admits to Miyagi that "you're the best friend I ever had.." And what is his response to Daniel's deep-hearted admission? "You pretty okay too." Way to crush a young boy's heart, Yags.

Miyagi is a child abuser. Okay, so in the aforementioned Halloween fight, Daniel is rightfully getting his arse kicked, when all of a sudden Mr. Miyagi intervenes, and proceeds to beat the shite out of a group of high school boys. And what does he do then? He flees the scene of a crime with the perpetrator (Daniel) in-tow. And keep in mind that aside from a single knee to the stomach, that fight was basically one-on-one (Daniel vs. John).

Okay, so Mr. Miyagi is how old? He fought in WWII, so assuming he was about 20 in 1944, and the movie was set in 1984, let's assume he is 60. So a 60 year old janitor/handyman of some shady apartment complex "befriends" a 14 year old boy. They constantly hang out, alone, at Miyagi's house. Miyagi takes him on trips (like to the beach and fishing), loves rubbing on "sore parts" of his body (and claps excitedly before doing so), actually gives him alcohol at one point, and gives him a car. Makes me wonder if his full name is Mr. Michael Jackson Miyagi. And let's not forget that instead of spending his birthday with his own mother, Daniel spends it with Mr. "Hands" Miyagi.

- Mrs. Larusso. Hey, lady...where the frick is your parenting in all of this? Not only do you let your 14/15 year old son run around town getting into trouble, but you are never to be found, except to embarass him by driving him on his first date. She has a nice car though, or so I'm told.

Now, onto the tournament...
This post was edited on 2/7/24 at 1:03 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151686 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 1:49 pm to
- The tournament.

For reference, the entire tournament scene can be seen here and here. Holy shite, where to start...

First of all, when they are signing up, Miyagi tells the official that Daniel is a black belt. A fricking black belt? So after a few weeks of painting da fence, sanding da flo-a, and waxing on and off, Daniel is a black belt? Get the frick out of here. Not only is that a lie, but it’s incredibly dangerous putting a weak, untrained loser like Daniel into the highest level of a karate tournament. Had Daniel gotten hurt, the Larusso family could’ve sued him and had a very good case against his arse.

And let’s also not forget the criminal Miyagi distracting the tournament official while stealing a black belt and sneaking it to Ali. And instead of Ali realizing the crime at hand, she went along with it. Had she cared for Daniel at all, she’d have been concerned about his safety fighting elite karate black belts.

- John Lawrence should actually be the champion. Speaking of the above point…did anyone at the tournament actually bother to check Daniel’s background? Clearly he isn’t really a black belt, so clearly he was not qualified to fight in the tournament, thus negating his wins and the trophy should then go to the runner up, which was John.

A punch to the face is illegal but a kick isn’t? What kind of bullshite rule is that? In the final fight, Daniel scores the first two points. Then Johnny scores the next two. Then, John gets a clean punch to the face of Daniel, but that's not a point. Keep in mind that a punch to the back of the head is a point, as evidenced by Daniel's Second point punches to the head ARE allowed. Also, immediately after John scores his second point, we see Daniel attempting to punch John in the it is from multiple angles:

So either Daniel was intentionally trying to punch him to be a dick (if it is against the rules), or John was fricked by not getting a point for punching Daniel in the face. It can't be both.

- Retreating out of the ring. Early in the tournament, the ref had warned Daniel about doing that and informed him that it would cost him a point next time (go to 3:17 in the above video). If you go to 11:20 in the video, it appears that he retreats out of the ring again, and even scores his first point against John while out of the ring. Shortly after, John pushes Daniel, undoubtedly because he is upset with the failure of the ref to disqualify the point.

Later, when it was tied 2-2, Daniel retreated out of the ring and was not warned by the referee (go to 13:08 for evidence). If there any consistency in the officiating, Daniel would've been warned the first time and penalized a point the second time. Not to mention that John scored a clear face shot and wasn't awarded a point because apparently karate rules are made by ancient pussies in Asia. John should've won the match 3-1 by my scoring.

- Breaking rules. Even more into the rules, go to 9:25 in the video and watch and listen. Bobby jump kicked Daniel in the knee, and was immediately disqualified, without warning, for, and I fricking quote "excessive and deliberate contact." Excessive and deliberate contact? What the frick? It's fricking karate, assholes...not checkers. So Bobby was disqualified. Yet go to 13:30 in the the finals, the ref deemed John's punch to Daniel's face excessive and awarded no point. Why not? Clearly Daniel was trying to punch John in the face earlier, so punching in the face is legal. To go even further on that point, at 13:50, John grabs Daniel's leg and elbows him in the knee. Clearly that is against the rules, and is both excessive AND deliberate, yet he only gets a warning for "illegal contact to the knee" (again, Bobby had been disqualified with no official warning) when his actions were clearly worse and more premeditated than what Bobby had done.

But in reality, none of that should've mattered because Daniel should've never been allowed to compete because he wasn't qulaified to do so. And even once he was allowed to compete, the match should've been over from three legit points scored by John in the finals.

This has to be the worst-officiated sports tournament in history.

And I won't even get into the fact that had Dutch taken things even remotely seriously, he'd have waltzed past Daniel and even likely beaten Johnny. Dutch was a natural, but his ego got in the way.

ETA: As i edit this 12 years later ( ) I had to update the youtube links for the tournament clips, so the timestamps won't match up anymore.
This post was edited on 2/7/24 at 1:00 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151686 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:01 pm to
shite, forgot another point.

In the locker room after Bobby dismantles Daniel's knee with a flawless jump kick, Daniel's mom is there, and Ali, and Miyagi, and the doc. his mom says something like "It's just bad luck." Um, no,'s not bad luck. It was a deliberate and excessive act that someone was ejected from teh tournament for. Shut the frick up and go sit in the stands.

Also, the doc says that Daniel is a no-go, and walks out. Then everyone else follows, including Miyagi. Daniel stops Miyagi and talks to him, eventually convincing him to do his little "hand magic" and make the pain go away. Well, why didn't Miyagi just do that in the first place? Was it because other people were around and he didn't want them to see him groping Daniel? Way to give up and walk out on your student, Miyagi.

But seriously...I mean, an actual, real doctor said Daniel shouldn't fight anymore and was injured, but frick that cuz he's just a doctor and what do they know, right?
Posted by PortCityTiger24
Member since Dec 2006
87455 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:01 pm to
John Kreese >
Posted by alajones
Member since Oct 2005
34746 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:08 pm to
I agree with Daniel and Ali.

Miyagi obviously never had kids and treated Danile like a son. He knew he got his arse kicked and saw him trying to do Karate kicks. Having been taught by his own father and never having a son to teach, he takes on the role of protector of Daniel and father figure. Nothing gross or demented.

You ever drink a beer with your Dad before 21. I'll bet you did.

Miyagi was probably in his early 60's but could still kick plenty of arse.


As someone who has been taking Tae Kwon Do for 6 years, I can tell you that there are plenty of "black belts" out there who are far less qualified and skilled than La Russo. And all the tournament really cares about is your registration fee.

He was given a stalling warning after consecutive times in his first match. You don't just get one warning per tournament, you get them each match.

Different types of tournaments have different rules. But Johnny's face punch was not a Karate technique, so it did not count. In the tournaments I have been to, the forehead and the side of the head were not off limits. But the face usually is. Now the tricky part here is the chin. Sometimes the chin is a legal strike zone. If that is where Daniel landed his kick, (which is just a flying front snap kick from a Crane stance that any orange belt could do) then it was fine.

A good critique of Miyagi would be that he is obviously not a master of any martial art to anyone who has ever seen a master at work. His moves are slow and his punches are soft.
Posted by alajones
Member since Oct 2005
34746 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:10 pm to

But seriously...I mean, an actual, real doctor said Daniel shouldn't fight anymore and was injured, but frick that cuz he's just a doctor and what do they know, right?
No they don't know everything. I've played/ worked out plenty of times when I was told not to.
This post was edited on 1/10/12 at 2:10 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151686 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:14 pm to

He was given a stalling warning after consecutive times in his first match. You don't just get one warning per tournament, you get them each match.

Wrong. In his first match, he retreats beyond the ring, and the ref warns him directly. It was his first time breaking that rule. The first face up, he was kicked out of the ring (point scored for his opponent). The second one, he retreats out of the ring and is warned: "Warning for running out of the ring; one more, it costs you a point."

And my point in the finals was that he seemed to retreat once (and get a point). Then he CLEARLY retreats later on. Neither resulted in a warning.
Posted by bomber77
Member since Aug 2008
14783 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:14 pm to
Yeah, I agree with a lot of this analysis but shut your whore mouth about Miyagi.

Badest man to ever walk the planet!
Posted by Brosef Stalin
Member since Dec 2011
39844 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:37 pm to
who wins in a fight between Johnny Lawrence and Mike Barnes?


Posted by Pilot Tiger
North Carolina
Member since Nov 2005
73252 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:47 pm to

John is quietly taking a shite in the bathroom
nope! He's rolling a joint which makes it even worse. After toking it up, Johnny prob figures, "hey man, sorry for the arse kicking, let's be friends.."
Posted by bomber77
Member since Aug 2008
14783 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:48 pm to

who wins in a fight between Johnny Lawrence and Mike Barnes
Posted by Sophandros
Victoria Concordia Crescit
Member since Feb 2005
45218 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:52 pm to
The frick?

You actually have to ask this question?
Posted by Brosef Stalin
Member since Dec 2011
39844 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:54 pm to
Johnny's karate was weak. Mike beats his arse, easy.
Posted by uway
Member since Sep 2004
33109 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:58 pm to
Can't believe you didn't mention how he ruined an episode of Psych.
Otherwise solid analysis.
Posted by Pilot Tiger
North Carolina
Member since Nov 2005
73252 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 2:58 pm to

Then, John gets a clean punch to the face of Daniel, but that's not a point. Keep in mind that a punch to the back of the head is a point, as evidenced by Daniel's Second point punches to the head ARE allowed.
I believe the ref called it a clash. I used to fight in karate tournaments(kumite)

you can punch/kick in the head, but usually not the face. It may be a movie error that he called it a clash
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151686 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 3:01 pm to

nope! He's rolling a joint

...while on the toilet. Daniel didn't know if he was taking a shite or not.

Also, in the beach scene, when John and the gang roll up on their bikes, Bobby says that it's time for beer, and John (and one other) turns it down. I thought that was funny that the badass of the movie was turning down a beer and making the right choice.
Posted by Pilot Tiger
North Carolina
Member since Nov 2005
73252 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 3:04 pm to
I love how they are rich kids in cali who ride dirt bikes and have perfect hair...

...yet after school instead of banging chicks and having fun, they go to karate class.

In my high school, if you were a senior and took karate, you were probably also into anime and pokemon and shite
Posted by PortCityTiger24
Member since Dec 2006
87455 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 3:16 pm to
Yeah well John Kreese wasn't your sensei, so that's that.
Posted by Maximus
Member since Feb 2004
81277 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 3:19 pm to
in Southern California, Karate fighting is a way of life. The whole town shuts down to go see the matches.

Also, why did Johnny lead into the crane kick with his face. He's the top student in Cobra Kai and he just lets Daniel land that kick.
Posted by Michael J Cocks
Right Here
Member since Jun 2007
47155 posts
Posted on 1/10/12 at 3:22 pm to

.yet after school instead of banging chicks and having fun, they go to karate class.

In my high school, if you were a senior and took karate, you were probably also into anime and pokemon and shite

Not in the 80's though. Karate was the shite.
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