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re: Amazon Prime new cartoon retells the creation story

Posted on 1/29/24 at 2:24 pm to
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
2234 posts
Posted on 1/29/24 at 2:24 pm to

One for the LORD and one for Azazel.

Agree - that’s what Leviticus says and that’s also what the two Jesuses are supposed to represent.


We see Jesus Christ, crucified outside the confines of Jerusalem both the sacrifice offered to God and the scapegoat for Azazel.

I think your interpretation is different from that of the church fathers and mine. Jesus Christ was the “sin offering” - the sacrifice, except unlike in Leviticus the sacrifice was not made to Yahweh, because Jesus was Yahweh. Jesus sacrificed himself so that no more blood sacrifices were to be needed to renew creation, to renew the strength of the capstone beneath the temple to hold back the waters of the Tehom. The goat sacrifice was a yearly sacrifice done in the temple. As the temple was no longer a temple after Rome destroyed it, Jesus’ self-sacrifice took the place of the temple.

Jesus Barabbas, the criminal, was the figurative goat sent to Azazel to carry the Jews sins away from the holy land to the land that was sinful… the land ruled by the Archons of Aeon (the Rulers). By Enochic tradition, it was Azazel (and Shamyaza) that introduced sin into the world. Those fallen angels introduced sinful ideas (Azazel taught how to make iron weapons, how to wage war, how to make and apply makeup) and also created an evil race of demigods (the Nephilim, started by Shamyaza raping the “daughters of men). Jesus Barabbas wasn’t being sacrificed but rather he was carrying away the sins of the Jews to where sin belonged - the realm of the evil angels and Rulers.

The book of 1 Enoch might have been finalized more or less between 300-200BCE, but judging by Genesis 6 not really explaining the Nephilim and by Leviticus not really explaining Azazel, I believe the authors of those books were already exposed to the traditions found in 1 Enoch. The writers had no need to elaborate on them because they figured the readers would already have literature on Azazel and Shamyaza.
Posted by TiderTom
Pleasant Grove
Member since Apr 2011
394 posts
Posted on 1/29/24 at 7:11 pm to
Very interesting thread…….
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
843 posts
Posted on 1/29/24 at 9:09 pm to

Out of everything I posted, this is what you respond with? Come on man, I think you can do better. The unlikeliness of Pilate letting dead Jesus down from the cross is just one small piece of a larger argument. Oh, and I had responded to more than one of your posts recently without a response.

Apologies, friend. Between beating my wife, and indoctrinating my kids- I struggle to find the time to keep up with you.

Seriously though, I think we’ve gone round and round, and much of what you have recently posted are repeated claims that I (and/or others) have previously responded to. You often will hurl an impressive barrage of criticisms across many topics in a single post. When my time is limited, as it has been lately, I tend to choose my battles more wisely. I will try to keep up. I think it would be more productive, if we could stick to one topic at a time, and follow it as far as we can go. Though, we have done that in the past- and it usually ends in an agreement to disagree.

While we’re on the topic of unanswered posts, I just noticed your reply to the one I questioned you about. Thanks. I’ll read through it and get back to you.
Posted by Westbank111
Armpit of America
Member since Sep 2013
2365 posts
Posted on 1/29/24 at 11:42 pm to

“Lucifer was a dreamer with good ideas for all of mankind”

I turned it off on that note. Buckle up. Some edgy times up ahead but Jesus our Lord won’t leave us hanging, the good guys will prevail in the end!
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
2234 posts
Posted on 1/30/24 at 6:37 am to

“Lucifer was a dreamer with good ideas for all of mankind” I turned it off on that note

I must admit I am annoyed at anyone referring to “Lucifer” as a name for any deity such as the adversary of God. Why do people think “Lucifer” is a name for “Satan”?

ETA: the video of the link in the OP is probably adding to the mockery by calling Satan “Lucifer”.

In Isaiah 14:12 “Lucifer” shows up in the KJV, and only the KJV. The other translations mostly render it “morning star” or “son of the morning”. Here’s where it gets very interesting.

The Hebrew text (trans)literally reads “Helel Ben Shahar ”. What is Shahar? In most Bible translations it is rendered “morning”. We do know - mostly from the Ugaritic library (a library mostly in Cuneiform of Canaanites just north of our favorite Canaanite group - the Israelites) that Shahar was the goddess of the dawn. Inscriptions of Shahar were found in Israel too. Helel is normally rendered “shining one” in English but this was really supposed to be a proper name just like Shahar.

When you read “Lucifer” in your KJV Bible, realize the Hebrews were referencing a mythological god named Helel (a play on the Hebrew word for “shining”) who was the son of the dawn goddess Shahar. In the tale, Helel tries to climb mount Zaphon (Isaiah 14:13… you have to look at the Hebrew words to understand) to usurp the gods. Mount Zaphon was… drum roll… the mountain outside of the city of Ugarit where the gods were said to live (like Mount Olympus in Greece). The Hebrews changed Mount “Zaphon” to Mount “Zion” in many places but in their copying of earlier Canaanite mythology they missed some “Zaphons”.

The passage and context in Isaiah 14 is that the author is comparing the king of Babylon, a son of Nebuchadnezzar, to the god Helel who failed to usurp the gods, and Babylon will fail to usurp the nations and itself will fall (to the Persians).
This post was edited on 1/30/24 at 7:52 am
Posted by Mr. Misanthrope
Cloud 8
Member since Nov 2012
5740 posts
Posted on 1/30/24 at 5:09 pm to
Sorry for such a delayed response.

Jesus Christ was the “sin offering” - the sacrifice, except unlike in Leviticus the sacrifice was not made to Yahweh, because Jesus was Yahweh. Jesus sacrificed himself so that no more blood sacrifices were to be needed to renew creation,
Jesus-once for all-blood sacrifice subsumed within itself and fulfilled all Old Covenant sacrifices. The veil was rent in the Temple. Temple sacrifices ended because they were no longer necessary not because Rome tore the Temple down. Saying that Jesus’s sacrifice was not made to God because he is God is a little tricky in the Trinitarian context.

From the Quicunque Vult:

“He therefore that will be saved: must thus think of the Trinity. Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation: that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For the right Faith is that we believe and confess: that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the Substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds: and Man, of the Substance of his Mother, born in the world; Perfect God, and Perfect Man: of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting;

Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead: and inferior to the Father, as touching his Manhood.
Who although he be God and Man: yet he is not two, but one Christ; One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh: but by taking of the Manhood into God; One altogether, not by confusion of Substance: but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man: so God and Man is one Christ.

Who suffered for our salvation: descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God Almighty: from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies: and shall give account for their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting: and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.

This is the Catholick Faith: which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.

The Incarnation makes uniquely possible Jesus, in his capacity as High Priest and The Lamb of God, presenting himself and his blood to God in the heavenly Holy of Holies of which the earthly Tabernacle and Temple were mere types and shadows
As the writer of Hebrews tells us:

But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
This post was edited on 1/30/24 at 10:22 pm
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
2234 posts
Posted on 1/30/24 at 10:48 pm to

The veil was rent in the Temple.

Was the veil rent before Jesus death or after his death?


Temple sacrifices ended because they were no longer necessary not because Rome tore the Temple down.

Not true, the Jews continued to burn goats and pigeon at the temple after Jesus’ alleged death up until 70CE when it was demolished.


Saying that Jesus’s sacrifice was not made to God because he is God is a little tricky in the Trinitarian context.

I never said Jesus was made to God. It’s clear to an unbiased reader that Paul and the writers of the gospels did not consider Jesus to be God. They believed him to be the son of God, the Kyrios (the LORD) Jesus Christ. The Greek-speaking Jews called Yahweh “Kyrios” in the Old Testament Septuagint, and in the NT they call Jesus Kyrios, the same thing they call Yahweh. This confirms to the Deuteronomy 32:8-9 worldview of the father deity (El Elyon in Hebrew, Theos in Greek, “God” with uppercase G in English) having sons and the specific son named Yahweh (Kyrios in Greek, the LORD in English) inheriting Israel.

I don’t understand the Trinity argument. It’s just illogical to me. In Paul’s epistles and in the gospels, Jesus is said to be a great angel who’s glory surpasses the other angels, Jesus is said to lowered himself without desire to be equal to God, he prays to God, he cries out to God for forsaking him, he says no one knows the time when he will return but only God the father, he says he is not good but only God is good. Paul says Jesus has the voice of an archangel. In John 8 Jesus says before Abraham was “I am”… that is a title for Yahweh (not El Elyon / Theos / god the Father). Not once in the Bible is it ever said that Jesus is the son of the LORD, but rather Jesus is LORD and son of God.

In my view, the trinitarian excuse was made because some were arguing for the existence of only one god. But we have two gods, or three if you count the Holy Spirit. They fought about this for 400 years. At the first council of Nicaea they had to decide was Jesus God, or was he not God but rather “just” the son of God. I just don’t get why it is important for there to be just one god in Christian theology. Why can’t there be more than 1 god keeping everything else the same? Trinitarians have to blatantly ignore the entire Bible which calls out a plethora of other gods as actually existing. Just look as Psalms 82 and 89 for instance.


Jesus, in his capacity as High Priest and The Lamb of God presenting himself and his blood to God in the heavenly Holy of Holies of which the earthly Tabernacle and Temple that were mere types and shadows

Interesting. Jesus presented himself in the heavenly temple to be sacrificed. Good for you though to understand that the earthly temple was a less glorious copy of the heavenly temple. They thought there were trees, grass, animals, mountains, rivers etc. in heaven that were just more glorious than their earthly copies.


But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation) he entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.

And this is more explicitly confirming it was the temple in heaven. The epistles to the Hebrews doesn’t mention Rome or Pontius Pilate. It says Jesus sacrificed himself in the heavenly temple, which matches Paul’s letters that Jesus was sacrificed in heaven (killed by the Rulers of this Age) and how Paul says their struggle is not with flesh but with the archons in the heavenly places.

Seems you have a theological conundrum. Paul and the writer of Hebrews (and writer of the gospel Ascension of Isaiah) writes of a heavenly great archangel who is killed by the rulers in the heavenly temple and only earns his name “Jesus” and only is exalted to more glory than the other angels after his death and resurrection.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
843 posts
Posted on 1/30/24 at 10:55 pm to

And how does any of this disprove the existence of the Christian God?

It doesn’t
Your admission is refreshing.


It only disproves the veracity of the Christian Bible


Blindness, lameness, sores and blisters are not caused by demonic possession.

Can you say that for certain- in regard to all instances throughout all human history?

Yahweh doesn’t keep his lightning bolts in the storehouses in the firmament.

I see a pattern. It seems as though you expect the Bible to be a scientifically accurate textbook. That is not its intended purpose. The Bible is a meta narrative- 66 cohesive books, written by ~40 authors over thousands of years; with a unified message: God is good, sin is bad, man is fallen (and he can’t get up). All of your religio-scientific fundamentalism (I think I just made up a new term) is misplaced. These are not the “gotcha” points that you think they are.


The Bible authors believed the earth was a flat disk Sure. So? Everyone thought that in those days.

Your admission is refreshing.

Again- this is not the gotcha you think it is. Just because I admit that the authors may have believed that the earth was flat, it has no bearing whatsoever on the intended purpose of the text.


Galileo had to recant his position that the earth revolved around the sun to avoid being burnt at the stake by the church. Even during the renaissance the church fully believed (or claimed to believe) the biblical cosmology of the flat disk earth with the sun underneath the firmament.

That is quite the blemish (in regards to Galileo). While I believe the story is a bit overblown in the skeptic community- the act itself is indefensible. If only they had followed Jesus’ teachings more closely. The Church, IMHO, should have stayed in their lane. That said, it is unfair and unproductive to judge Christianity by those who suck at it. Rather, it should be evaluated by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ alone. No analogy I could offer would suffice.
Posted by imjustafatkid
Member since Dec 2011
53179 posts
Posted on 1/30/24 at 11:52 pm to
Wow that show looks awful. Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by Mr. Misanthrope
Cloud 8
Member since Nov 2012
5740 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 12:53 am to
I apologize that I am going to be unusually busy ( for a retired guy) the rest of the week and unable to respond more fully to your post. A few quick thoughts are in order.

Not true, the Jews continued to burn goats and pigeon at the temple after Jesus’ alleged death up until 70CE when it was demolished.
Quite right. I wanted to make the point that Temple sacrifices were made unnecessary and rendered ineffective by Jesus’s Crucifixion not the Temple’s destruction. Of course they continue until 70 AD. It was a badly worded and botched paragraph.

I never said Jesus was made to God.
I’m not sure what happened here. This was the lead off sentence responding to this: “ Saying that Jesus’s sacrifice was not made to God because he is God is a little tricky in the Trinitarian context.” Were you trying to say “I never said Jesus’s sacrifice was or was not made to God”? This is your quote I was referring to: “…the sacrifice was not made to Yahweh, because Jesus was Yahweh.”

So my point remains. Trinitarian theology properly considered parallels and refines with some of the Gnostic webs you (and probably others) have spun around yourself. You may not now embrace God as a Triune Being but you would benefit from pondering the Athanasian Creed in its entirety and give it at least some of the attention and weight you give to your esoteric sources.

As regards much of the rest of your post, it misrepresents Pauline theology, the gospels, and the epistle to the Hebrews.

BTW. I shared two links with another poster that I also meant to share with you. They deal only peripherally with his obsession with genocide and suggest his perception is rooted in a 21st century mindset and not the ancient biblical milieu where beings came down to earth and mated with human women created ungodly offspring genetically polluting humanity’s bloodlines.

I believe you will find both the book and documentary fascinating and a unique perspective not terribly dissimilar from your own. The documentary is free on YouTube and the book is reasonably priced on Christian Books and Amazon among others.

The Unseen Realm
The Unseen Realm (Documentary)

The Truth is out there. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it will be opened.

Posted by Mike da Tigah
Bravo Romeo Lima Alpha
Member since Feb 2005
59691 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 6:24 am to
So, feminism is rooted in satanism.

That fits.

Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
2234 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 7:29 am to

Were you trying to say “I never said Jesus’s sacrifice was or was not made to God”?

I’m not sure. Sounds right though. The theology is a bit nonsensical. Jesus wouldn’t have been sacrificed to Yahweh because he is Yahweh… that is according to the scriptures. He wouldn’t have been sacrificing to his father El Elyon (Theos) because his father demanded no such thing. In the OT, they have to kill animals (and firstborn human babies) and burn them for Yahweh to be pleased. In the other hand, when Abraham meets Melchizedek (priest of the most high god) the please El Elyon by eating bread and wine. I guess the other main issue is the issue Marcion had… Jesus is supposed to be Yahweh, but Jesus cannot be Yahweh because Yahweh is a jealous narcissistic complete a-hole while Jesus is a kind, forgiving, turn the other cheek kind of guy. That second problem only manifested itself after Paul was dead and the Christians of the second century inventing tales of a human flesh and blood Jesus walking the earth, which Paul and the earliest Christians had no concept of. Paul believed Jesus was a celestial being - who was exalted as the most precious archangel to God’s right hand only after he had been sacrificed (in heaven) and resurrected.


This is your quote I was referring to: “…the sacrifice was not made to Yahweh, because Jesus was Yahweh.”

I agree with myself on that one.


As regards much of the rest of your post, it misrepresents Pauline theology, the gospels, and the epistle to the Hebrews.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.


The Unseen Realm The Unseen Realm (Documentary)

I’ve been posting about Dr. Michael Heiser on here for a year. While I don’t believe in all that supernatural stuff (Heiser does) he still had a great gift to explain how the Bible authors really thought about the supernatural world. I actually have a copy of Unseen Realm (very thick book).


The Truth is out there.

To call something “Truth” with a capital T, but without actually being able to know what that claim entails, and having no falsifiable testable evidence of such a claim, is a LIE. Gravity, cell theory, biological evolution, germ theory of disease, and the like are truth. Religious claims of imaginary beings without evidence cannot be the truth. Sorry.
Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:03 am to

Let us see what Dr. Frank Turek has to say about it?


God, A Moral Monster?
Is God a Moral Monster?
Killing the Canaanites?
Is God Immoral?
Stoning Disobedience Children?

Thank you.

Outstanding and very helpful post & links (especially for those seeking detailed answers to the Hows & Whys of God's Old Testament targeted Death, Destruction and Actions).

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:04 am to

What a load of BS. No scholars believe Marcion wrote a gospel.

Hear Hear!
Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:13 am to


the last 100 years, incontrovertible evidence that the whole thing is a farce has been found. We know about microscopic organisms now, what causes disease, the weather, plate tectonics and volcanoes, biological evolution and DNA, cells, physics

Prodigal Son


And how does any of this disprove the existence of the Christian God? You got some ‘splainin in to do.

It doesn't. It's now about creating red herrings and supposedly "discredit" The Creator's creation by replacing His Divinity with the religion of Gnostic Scientism (and apparently some mystical "God-Force".

Bottom line here -- some folks NEED to deny our God The Creator because denying Him = denying His Omnipotence in ALL matters -- and especially, Judgement.

As Frank Turek put it (link up above), whether God takes us at age 2 or 82, we are merely changing (soul) locations (or realms) for the Next.

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:33 am to

“While the Bible does not teach that the earth is flat, neither does the Bible explicitly teach that the earth is spherical. Some passages do allow for a spherical earth, such as Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22.

With all due respect...

While this notion is not a matter of Salvation, our true Realm IS a matter of Truth - with all due respect to scholar Michael Heiser -- who of ALL things, incredibly ignores Genesis and Scriptural testimony of a Flat, Plane Earth.

Re: your citations: Job 26:7:

("Stretching out the north over desolation,| Hanging the earth on not")

and Isaiah 40:22

("He who is sitting on the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants [are] as grasshoppers, He who is stretching out the heavens [firmament] as a thin thing, | And spreads them as a tent to dwell in")

These two verses certainly do NOT support any notion of a "Ball" Earth/Realm.


There is simply no basis for the charge that the Bible teaches a flat earth.

On the contrary. Several verses of Scripture irrefutably support a plane / flat earth. Many cultures knew the Earth was flat plane. (Meanwhile -- again with all due respect -- NONE of the Bible supports a ball / globe.)

500 years ago the Gnostic-Mystic powers' agenda sought to discredit God and Genesis. (and here we are today -- dealing with an impossible Evolution, equally impossible "Globe" and ridiculous infinite "Big Bang" created universe where God (IF He exists) supposedly dwells faaaaar away instead of just above us in a very near Heaven.
Posted by Mike da Tigah
Bravo Romeo Lima Alpha
Member since Feb 2005
59691 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:41 am to

The theology is a bit nonsensical. Jesus wouldn’t have been sacrificed to Yahweh because he is Yahweh… that is according to the scriptures. He wouldn’t have been sacrificing to his father El Elyon (Theos) because his father demanded no such thing. In the OT, they have to kill animals (and firstborn human babies) and burn them for Yahweh to be pleased. In the other hand, when Abraham meets Melchizedek (priest of the most high god) the please El Elyon by eating bread and wine. I guess the other main issue is the issue Marcion had… Jesus is supposed to be Yahweh, but Jesus cannot be Yahweh because Yahweh is a jealous narcissistic complete a-hole while Jesus is a kind, forgiving, turn the other cheek kind of guy. That second problem only manifested itself after Paul was dead and the Christians of the second century inventing tales of a human flesh and blood Jesus walking the earth, which Paul and the earliest Christians had no concept of. Paul believed Jesus was a celestial being - who was exalted as the most precious archangel to God’s right hand only after he had been sacrificed (in heaven) and resurrected.

There’s a whole lot of scriptural misunderstanding in all of that.

Jesus sacrifice was intentionally paying the penalty of death for all mankind that deserved it. He paid the price for us, and only one without sin could pay that price as anyone else would be paying the price for their own sin, not the sins of all mankind, and so since God is sinless, only He could pay the price. And so we have Jesus, the only perfect sinless one to walk the earth, God in human flesh, often referred to as the Lamb of God, but will return one day as the Lion to judge mankind because God is Sovereign. When man puts himself up as sovereign he is only fooling himself in that.

The other animal sacrifices were symbolic of the perfect sacrifice to come, Jesus. There were NO human sacrifices given. That was a very evil false religion that God spoke heavily against in the OT, Baal. Abraham was told to sacrifice his firstborn and only child and then God prevented him from doing so, and that is meant for us to have an understanding of what it must mean to sacrifice your only child, an act that only God Himself would have to do with Jesus, and that sacrifice was intentionally planned from the beginning in order to bring man and God back into relationship with one another again. That’s why Christ is often referred to as the last Adam. The first Adam was lost because of sin, and the last Adam reconciles man and God by His own selfless sacrifice, and only because of that perfect sacrifice is there hope for mankind. That was done by the person you call narcissistic, and yet self sacrifice is one attribute you will never find in someone who is narcissistic. I do find it comical how man thinks that God has to submit to our incredibly limited understanding of everything around us, even our own existence and what purpose life actually is, as well as putting ourselves up with the actual creator and His reign universally and beyond all dimensions we are even aware that even exist at this point.

In order to not create some false religion or ridiculous understanding of scripture and who Jesus is, I’d suggest searching for God IN scripture with an open heart and mind, devoid of preconceived notions. If you search, He will find you. If you don’t, you’ll remain confused and lost.

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 8:50 am to

In the OT, they have to kill animals (and firstborn human babies) and burn them for Yahweh to be pleased.

1) First Born HUMAN babies are sacrificed to MOLOCH.

2) In Old Testament times (before the New Covenant) Lambs and other young animals had to suffice as the "innocent" symbolic blood sacrifices, "substituting" as restitution for Man' own sin (until the eventual blood sacrifice, Son of Man, Son of God could replace "innocent blood" animal sacrifices once and for all.)

*Enter The Lamb of God*

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 9:36 am to

To call something “Truth” with a capital T, but without actually being able to know what that claim entails, and having no falsifiable testable evidence of such a claim, is a LIE.

Have you ever read the "Wisdom & Folly" chapter of the Bible? (Proverbs) Or, the "Under the Sun / Vanity chapter? (Ecclesiastes)? Truly amazing.

Anyway, once again you're reiterating your position as ignoring mountains of evidence to the contrary, slandering God and obvious testimony of His Works -- CREATION -- and calling Him a "Liar" (parroting ill-advised Gnostic-Mystic "scholarship").

You're obviously intelligent; So what's the problem? Why can't you see what others can?

"For having known God, they glorified Him not as God, or were thankful; but [i]they became futile in their thinking and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools..."

(Romans 1:21, 22)

Genesis, Scripture, Life's Observations, and the Heavens are testimony to "testable evidence" of The Creator God's Truth.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands”

(Psalm 19:1).

That you can't see it once again speaks to the Lord blocking your sight and hardening heart (see Saul / Paul).


Gravity, cell theory, biological evolution, germ theory of disease, and the like are truth.

1) Gravity: A "natural" theory invented by Newton; he admitted to his own theory NOT being provable OR proven.

2) Cell Theory: (what about it?) It's a miracle that cannot be explained by material-world "Science"

3) Biological Evolution: Darwinism is NOT proven. Not remotely. "Adaptation" yes.

NO mortal, earthy biological "life" is morphing into any "new" creature -- UNLESS that DNA is contaminated by non-human DNA (see Genesis 6, Fallen Angels / Giants / Women)

4) Germ theory of disease: Keyword: THEORY


Religious claims of imaginary beings without evidence cannot be the truth. Sorry.

Imaginary Beings?? Like...Angels? Demons? God? Satan/Lucifer?

You mean to say, ONLY the Material World and manifestations exist? No "Soul" then? No spiritual "communication" with God, Angels (or with other nefarious beings?)

Q: Who in your opinion created the innate universally unique human traits and senses as "Love"? "Hate"? "Beauty"? Concepts of "Right and Wrong"? "Fear"? Connections of all manners of thought and emotion?

Aren't ALL of the above are "pre-loaded hardware" into every human being?

Who "built" and "programmed" Man? Or for that matter, ALL Systems of the Universe that run with precision, purpose & reason like a finely tuned clock?

With respect to "Purpose & Reason"; Would it not be irrational or in-congruent for The Creator of All Things and Man ("made in His own Image") to NOT include an "Instruction Manual"

Posted by Liberator
Revelation 20:10-12
Member since Jul 2020
9071 posts
Posted on 1/31/24 at 9:48 am to

I must admit I am annoyed at anyone referring to “Lucifer” as a name for any deity such as the adversary of God. Why do people think “Lucifer” is a name for “Satan”?

Isaiah (several tracts) should clarify that for you -- if you're interested.


When you read “Lucifer” in your KJV Bible, realize the Hebrews were referencing a mythological god named Helel (a play on the Hebrew word for “shining”) who was the son of the dawn goddess Shahar.

You're ironically conflating the Bible with Babylonian mythology and their own version of "truth".

THESE accounts are created by the lineage of the Pharisees (Jesus: "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.")

(John 8:44)

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