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re: Famed atheist and biologist calls the idea of more than two genders “utter nonsense”

Posted on 3/22/23 at 6:56 am to
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 6:56 am to

What most people don't realize is that the vast majority of trans people and activists believe there are only two sexes.

It has to be a very small minority and most of those people are just ignorant of what sex and gender mean in the same manner as people who claim there is only 2 genders possible are ignorant. There is nothing inherently wrong with ignorance, we are all ignorant on a grand scale, the stuff we know is dwarfed by the stuff we don't know. But there are some people who do truly think there are many different sexes and they are only willfully ignorant or have a screw loose in my opinion.
Posted by dltigers3
Collierville, TN
Member since Jun 2010
2137 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:06 am to
I have no problem with anyone playing dress up and make believe as long as they want to. My issue is with "gender affirming" treatments. They are so detrimental and mostly irreversible it should be illegal everywhere.

And to say that the only exposure children have to the trannies is if their parents take them to a drag show is just ludicrous. We can't even watch children's shows or sporting events without their being commercials pushing this agenda.
Posted by canyon
Member since Dec 2003
18633 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:08 am to
You wasted a lot of paper to say you’re an idiot.
Posted by lsufanva
sandston virginia
Member since Aug 2009
12519 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:18 am to
That's a whole lot of typing when it's essentially very simple. There are those that can physically conceive, carry, and give birth to children and there are those that can't. This is purely having the physical parts(additional parts or something else causing sterility arent pertinent to this discussion) to do so. Those that have those physical parts are females. It's not social it's science. No matter all the long winded double speak used to confuse, it's really that simple. Just like with race, facts can't be discriminatory.(sexist/racist) They are just facts. Like them or not facts are facts.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:29 am to

That effort is having their desired effect.

Is this a bad thing? I have no idea what the actual number is but I do know that there are people who are attracted to their own sex, attracted to both sexes and who do not self identify as the gender that society would identify them as. Is it a concerted effort to "convert" people to do any of these things or is it the fact that more people are open to considering the reality of life knowledgably? Hard to say until you consider that if it is indeed a systematic attempt at conversion then conversion may be a possibility. This leads to the question, if you accept conversion is possible, or a decision is involved in ones sexual orientation or gender identity, at what point in your own life did you decide or when were your converted to be heterosexual and identify as a man? If gay folks and trans folks, for lack of better term, are converted or decide then why is it that straight folks who are not trans do not decide. That dog don't hunt....

Anecdotally we moved cross country in 2020. The new neighborhood we moved into had about 10 girls my daughters age. 9-13 year old girls. Every single one of them claimed to be gay. My daughter included. 100%. Some of their parents were beside themselves with greif...and did and said all manner of ill advised shite to their daughters and to other people's daughters. Those girls are all 11-15 now and nary a one of them claims to be gay any fact they are ALL typically ate up with the societal expectations of girls that age. Did those girls decide to be gay for 2 years? Of course not...they were exploring their sexuality, as all people around that age do, and doing so in an era where it is done in a more open manner than in the past. There is no concerted effort that drove is simply a matter of it not being taboo to them when it was something people my age would not mention and were ashamed of even thinking about. What those kids did is healthier than what kids in the past did...and the end result is exactly the same except they have no guilt to contend with that some older folks carry with them their entire lives.

I don't understand gender fluidity or whatever the term is but I can understand the term gender. I know that I never consciously made a decision to be a male and identify as a male. The first was simple chaotic biology and the second was never given a thought. In the same vein I never consciously decided I was attracted to women...I realized it when I saw Jaqueline Bisset climb over the transom of a center console boat with a wet white T shirt on in "The Deep" at 7 years of age. Logically anyone who thinks this happens as a decision or some sort of conversion must have made that decision or think they could be converted themselves. There is nothing at all wrong with that other than many of those people probably suffer from some mental anguish over their decision or the fear that they could be converted. That is an individual issue, not a societal one.
Posted by MorbidTheClown
Baton Rouge
Member since Jan 2015
66622 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:32 am to
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:33 am to

That's a whole lot of typing when it's essentially very simple. There are those that can physically conceive, carry, and give birth to children and there are those that can't. This is purely having the physical parts(additional parts or something else causing sterility arent pertinent to this discussion) to do so. Those that have those physical parts are females. It's not social it's science. No matter all the long winded double speak used to confuse, it's really that simple. Just like with race, facts can't be discriminatory.(sexist/racist) They are just facts. Like them or not facts are facts.

Again, gender has absolutely nothing at all to do with biology. That is a fact that can either be liked or disliked but the feelings of the individual has no ability to change the fact that gender and biology are completely separate concepts. Biology is a matter of science, gender is societal and cultural in nature. Any double speak to the contrary is presented to cause confusion, as you point out, and most likely due to either ignorance or willful ignorance based on fears that one could be converted or has decided.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:43 am to

I have no problem with anyone playing dress up and make believe as long as they want to. My issue is with "gender affirming" treatments. They are so detrimental and mostly irreversible it should be illegal everywhere.

I agree that it should be HIGHLY regulated, but only by medical professional standards and not by the state EXCEPT in the case of children and then the state has the responsibility to protect children from idiot parents BASED on sound medical advise.


And to say that the only exposure children have to the trannies is if their parents take them to a drag show is just ludicrous. We can't even watch children's shows or sporting events without their being commercials pushing this agenda.

I take your point but if you are going to watch children's shows and attend sporting events where your children are exposed to things you disagree with or find disturbing it is incumbent upon you as a parent to have the kind of relationship with your child that allows them to be exposed to such things tempered with your values. It is a healthy person who has knowledge and has values based on that knowledge and that is a parents job to determine what their child is exposed to with some limits. Porn is a good example....for most of man's existence porn existed and it was kept away from children. Porn is now readily available to children on the internet. It is the parents responsibility to prevent their exposure, not the state's. It ain't the responsibility of the church, it ain't your neighbors is yours and as a parent I would be very put out by any other entity interfering in that responsibility.
Posted by Antonio Moss
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2006
48361 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:44 am to
It’s The Emperor Has No Clothes.

We all know the truth but the vast majority lacks the moral integrity to assert it.
Posted by Antonio Moss
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2006
48361 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:46 am to

but those who claim there are only 2 genders are equally wrong.

A position that has been completely fabricated in the last two decades.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:50 am to

A position that has been completely fabricated in the last two decades.

Fabricated is too strong a term but I would agree completely that multiple genders is a concept that has only been considered for a short period of time. The concept of gender though, based on societal and cultural norms and expectations, are age old and have been around forever, just as people who do not conform to others identity of them have existed since time out of mind.
Posted by Rust
Member since Feb 2019
592 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:50 am to
Posted by longtooth
Member since Jun 2013
419 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:53 am to

Gender, on the other hand, is a societal/cultural construct

Everything is a societal/cultural construct at then end of the day.

Sex and gender are one of THE most established and linked principles in human existence. We shouldn’t recognize 30 genders and a bunch of forced semantics to appease a handful of lunatics.

It is fine by me if the fringe wants to be nonbinary or some other BS amongst friends and family. But getting people cancelled, shrieking at strangers because they mis-gender you, forcing sexual perversions and gender ideology onto children is a step too far.
This post was edited on 3/22/23 at 8:19 am
Posted by facher08
Baton Rouge
Member since Aug 2011
4484 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:55 am to

Did those girls decide to be gay for 2 years? Of course not...they were exploring their sexuality, as all people around that age do, and doing so in an era where it is done in a more open manner than in the past. There is no concerted effort that drove is simply a matter of it not being taboo to them when it was something people my age would not mention and were ashamed of even thinking about.

You're anecdote has become fairly common, especially in teenaged girls. For that reason, I believe it isn't as simple as young people naturally exploring their sexuality as you think it is. There are absolutely concerted efforts to push a specific agenda, one that has become chic and trendy in modern western culture, and that is part of the reason why you see such a spike in the younger generations identifying this way and doing so in groups.

Whether the movement is attempting conversion or not, I'd argue the spikes in gen z identification are not an indication of actual growth in the LGBT population. It would be a statistical anomaly.
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:55 am to

It’s The Emperor Has No Clothes.

We all know the truth but the vast majority lacks the moral integrity to assert it.

Well said...I could not agree more. Anyone who is sentient knows that biology is a fact of science and gender, unlinked in any manner with biology, is a societal/cultural construct. Many, probably the vast majority as you state, lack the moral integrity to be honest and admit that they know that biology is a fact while gender is societal and cultural in nature and not in any manner connected. Many are also simply ignorant but their ignorance is willful in that they do not seek knowledge and merely accept misguided opinions.
Posted by MorbidTheClown
Baton Rouge
Member since Jan 2015
66622 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 7:59 am to
Posted by Tbonepatron
Member since Aug 2013
8447 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:05 am to

Gender has nothing to do with sex. Anyone claiming there are more than 2 biological sexes is either an idiot or ignorant of biology. Gender, on the other hand, is a societal/cultural construct that has nothing at all to do with biology or plumbing or reproduction. Almost every human being ever born had biological traits which defined their biological sex in one of two that actually exist. I am no expert but there are stories of babies being born with biological traits of both biological sexes so wouldn't be accurate to say ALL but the vast majority is correct. That is completely separate from Gender, however. Gender is based on societal and cultural norms, behaviors or expectations. Gender is about one's perception of themselves as well as societies perception. Most children at some point experiment with gender. Tom boys are a well known thing that exists...thats why there is a term for it. Boys also usually do this and will pretend to be their mother by wearing her shoes, maybe smearing lipstick on themselves and anything that will stand for it, and playing with dolls and whatnot. The fact that there are "girl" toys and "boy" toys for kids and adults adhere to that construct when buying gifts for children indicate that we inutuitevly know that gender is a cultural construct with no correlation to biology. Clothes are the same. Most children eventually confirm to the gender identification that is considered "normal" by society without a second thought, and this is usually in line with their biological sex. This isn't always the fact women, both biological and in terms of gender, have shifted their gender significantly in the last 100 years or so. It wasn't that long ago that an unmarried woman with no kids who worked for a living and wore pants was considered both men and women. Men have also undergone a significant shift in their gender roles....society would have been almost shocked to find a father in the 1950's who could change a diaper as well as his kids mother...anyone who has had a child since about 1990 knows this ain't the case anymore. Gender roles are fluid, regardless of what anyone would like to think otherwise. It is acceptable today, for example, for a man to stay home and take care of the house and kids while his wife earns a living. Most of us will make some snide comment about this but it wasn't that long ago that it was unheard of and almost impossible for a woman to pull off. It is very common today for a woman to be an integral part of a families income when it wasn't that long ago that this was something almost reserved exclusively for men. The problem people seem to have today is the individual who does not identify their gender in the manner which society of culture dictates. They exist and always have. There is nothing inherently evil or insane about this...most of pick and choose what societal and cultural norms we adhere to. Many people are devoutly religious, some are not. It isn't a mental illness either way. A woman who wears clothing that most would see as male in nature, who works in a job that is dominated by men, drinks beer and in most ways identifies as man is not insane, that person is just different than what society would consider "normal". The same is true of a man who can communicate and has sense of style. The danger, in my opinion, is 2 fold. First the obvious...pretending thar sex and gender are synonymous. The people who claim there are more than 2 sexes are just wrong but those who claim there are only 2 genders are equally wrong. Either forcing their world view on the other is also wrong. If a man in a dress disturbs you beyond mild irritation that is a personal issue on you, the same as it would be if that man was disturbed by a woman in a dress. We can not dictate how other people identify themselves...the people who claim more than two sexes want to do this and those who claim there are only 2 genders are equally wrong in their desire to dictate to others what may be 2 of the most initimate things an individal has, their biological sex and their gender identity.

Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:05 am to

You're anecdote has become fairly common, especially in teenaged girls. For that reason, I believe it isn't as simple as young people naturally exploring their sexuality as you think it is. There are absolutely concerted efforts to push a specific agenda, one that has become chic and trendy in modern western culture, and that is part of the reason why you see such a spike in the younger generations identifying this way and doing so in groups.

Whether the movement is attempting conversion or not, I'd argue the spikes in gen z identification are not an indication of actual growth in the LGBT population. It would be a statistical anomaly.

I agree completely...I ain't no mathematician but I do know that 100% of a group of people randomally tossed together all agreeing on their sexuality is unlikely.

I also agree that it is a result of trendiness and is viewed as chic. I do not see that as a bad thing in and of itself...trends come and go and have little impact on folks over the long term. I think in this particular instance it is a net positive thing because it inevitably leads to discussions about sexuality between children and their parents and may alleviate guilt and self doubt in children if handled properly. If handled improperly the damage that results was probably going to happen anyway since the parent is incapable of handling it properly.

From one who has been there trust me it ain't comfortable for the parent. I was extremely put out by this short period of time in my daughters life. I tried my best not to let her know this but of course she is nothing more than a short, immature woman and women can read a man like a man reads a novel. I do know that my reaction and our "working" through this period has strengthened our relationship. I am more comfortable discussing what would have been uncomfortable subjects and so is she. That is invaluable. I also had an oppotunity to prove I loved her without condition and supported her even if I disagreed. She will take that forward and be a better person for it...and all it cost was for me to be uncomfortable for a short period of time. I assume she too was uncomfortable divulging her "secret".

At the end of the day most people react to biology. It is almost inevitable. All of those young girls appear to be doing just we parents are faced with teenage girls being interested in boys. Talk about discomfort....
Posted by GRTiger
On a roof eating alligator pie
Member since Dec 2008
63575 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:06 am to

but the feelings of the individual has no ability to change the fact that gender and biology are completely separate concepts.

If gender is based on personal feelings, why should it matter to anyone else?

If gender is made up and can be whatever you want and can change on a whim, how exactly are discrimination laws enforced? Why can't I choose not to hire someone because they felt like a two spirit wolfkin on the day of the interview and it weirded me out?
Posted by AwgustaDawg
Member since Jan 2023
7546 posts
Posted on 3/22/23 at 8:16 am to

Everything is a societal/cultural construct at then end of the day. But this is a giant helping of nonsense.

Sex and gender are one of THE most established and linked principles in human existence. We shouldn’t recognize 30 genders and a bunch of forced semantics to appease a handful of lunatics.

It is fine by me if the fringe wants to be nonbinary or some other BS amongst friends and family. But getting people cancelled, shrieking at strangers because they mis-gender you, forcing sexual perversions and gender ideology onto children is a step too far.

Biological sex and gender are not and have never actually been linked in human existence. Many people are comfortable accepting this mistake but it is still a mistake. Biological sex is undeniable where gender is not. You can test for biological sex there is no test for gender. Whether we recognize multiple genders or not does nothing to irradicate or support their existence...they exist and have sine the beginning of time.

People getting cancelled does not happen. What happens is a person says or does something and other people react. You can control what you say and do, you can't control other people's reactions. That being said it is entirely possible and has happened way more than it should that a person has been cancelled (killed) for being different.

No one is forcing sexual perversion on children in large numbers. That is a irrational fear brought on by mass hysteria over an issue that is uncomfortable for most people. If a person is indeed "forcing" sexual perversion onto a child that person is a pedophile and will most likely be identified as such. Way more pedophiles do this who are also straight and who identify as the gender that society would identify them as than any other combination. All of them are sick and should be removed from society. A man in a dress reading to kids in a public space is not a sexual perversion.
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