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re: Aren't all these Republican doomsdayers just proving our point?

Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:04 am to
Posted by RogerTheShrubber
Juneau, AK
Member since Jan 2009
263355 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:04 am to

Rigging and extreme.

Definitely not emotional

He uses the exact language he reads on reddit or DU. Word for word.
Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34359 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:04 am to

If you’re stupid enough to think that our involvement is about freedom and Liberty, then you are an idiot.

I would argue that was always the case, but Neocons loved to play regular conservatives for suckers to get the support needed for their New American Century plan.

The current-day default knee jerk reaction to call anyone not fighting the status quo (even if they only fight it for personal benefits or petty grudges) a RINO is the backlash against those Neocons for playing mainstream conservatives for fools this entire century.

Also frankly during the Trump era too many conservatives got hooked on the intoxicating effects of politics as entertainment, and what it felt like to have a major mainstream conservative icon for once (to be fair conservatives aren’t allow to have those by the mainstream media).

I wouldn’t want to go back in the corner voluntarily either, it’s going to take multiple elections where women with GEDs and men who are setting up book deals are rejected by actual swing voters for “mainstream” conservatives to get fed up with losing and accept being just an opposition party again (aka Ivy educated big business Republicans in charge again).
This post was edited on 1/6/23 at 9:06 am
Posted by ReauxlTide222
St. Petersburg
Member since Nov 2010
83862 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:06 am to

Yes, it's popular in urban areas. You know who doesn't live in urban areas? Non-leftists.
This is new to me
Posted by Turbeauxdog
Member since Aug 2004
23387 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:09 am to

Stating reality isn't emotional. Your temper tantrum though?

Every single time.
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41870 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:09 am to

Explain with specifics other than budgets/spending
The most recent atrocity is the "Respect for Marriage Act", but their support for Biden's infrastructure bill that pushed a lot of lefty initiatives is another example. McCain shot down the effort to repeal Obamacare.

In terms of what they aren't pushing: you can name it. They aren't fighting for immigration reform (Trump had to fight tooth and nail to get some spending for a partial wall on the border), abortion restrictions, marriage and family protections, or any other conservative social issues.


A lot of this is just reflecting the leftist movement of policies of the population. As societies advance, they pretty much never go more conservative and almost always go more liberal. It's just how humans work.

You may chalk that up to reflecting the leftist movement in the population, but that's not necessarily true with their constituents who voted for them over their Democrat opponents. The GOPe talks a good game but then doesn't act when they have the chance. The Democrats, on the other hand, don't hesitate to use whatever leverage they have to accomplish what they want.
This post was edited on 1/6/23 at 9:10 am
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
12234 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:10 am to



It's what they call a self fulfilling prophecy.

No, no it's not. This is the type of thing said by people that step over dollars to pick up dimes; that want to talk to you about the lessons from War and Peace when all you asked was how they like their new Subaru; that think the rest of us are heathens and they discovered some great revelation after skimming a manuscript in The Philosophical Review and insist on educating us on their discovery.


The 20 have framed this to produce just the thought experiment in your head.

Oh, so it's a mind control conspiracy. It's not them pointing out things that others see and that many have reported on for years. It's just mind control...ok.

Nothing really captures the idea that someone is talking down to you, or talking at you, rather than to you, like when they tell you that others have created an experiment in your brain. You have such little faculty and apparently no autonomy, such that a group of people in DC have executed a mind control experiment in your brain. No no...don't you trouble your feeble little mind with this, let the smart folk like SFP let you know that others are tinkering with your brain. Don't you dare believe your lying eyes.


It's all they have because they are such a small minority they have no real power.

McCarthy had already granted them committee seats. They had "power". Plenty of it. They wanted substantive change.


The "GOP and Democrats are the same" meme is one of the dumbest thing ever repeated on this board. It's something that only people who shelter themselves and don't ever actually engage with any Leftists would believe.

I'll respond to this and ignore the fact that you use Democrats and then mention Leftists.

This is one of the dumbest comments ever posted to the internet. And it reinforces the point of looking for explanations everywhere but right in front of you and thinking you're not just smarter than everyone else, but you're much smarter than you give yourself credit for being.

It's like seeing a red hot burner on a stove and saying, "Well, at this time of day, the sun is shining through this particular arc in the atmosphere and the gamma product at this latitude can produce an amplification of red light sensed by corneal Macoby cells, as demonstrated by Ronald and colleagues back in 1924, so it is very likely that the burner is not in fact on, but just appears to be so, and thus one may place one's hand upon it without fear of injury" - when you could just check the fricking knob and see if it's on.

People call McCarthy, "Pelosi Light".

Former Speaker Boehner just cried and slobbered all over Pelosi.

GOP and Dems jointly passed the Omnibus and pushed through Ukraine aid.

Since 9/11, both parties have created enormous amounts of debt.

They jointly gave us the Patriot Act and have jointly abused the powers within the Act.

Both have called for increased censorship on social media.

Both have guided us to endless war and a wide open border.

Both are owned by the MIC and Big Tech and Big Pharma.

People like Victoria Nuland migrate from D to R administrations, doing the same thing in each. And it was two Republicans and one Democrat that visited Ukraine back in 2016, after Nuland and crew installed a new government there, to tell the Ukrainians that "your fight is our fight". And here we are, meddling in Ukraine under a Dem administration.

Jointly they have taken the nation in the same direction for decades now. Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, George Carlin...and many others have been pointing this stuff out for decades. Jimmy Dore and Glenn Greenwald point this out just about every day. (most people would consider them both to be Leftists, by the way)

Since 2000, at least, we have seen massive growth in government, erosion of key institutions, degradation of our educational system, downward trend in the efficiency of our healthcare system, continuous war, continuous deficits and debt growth, erosion of civil liberties, and increasing centralization across the board. And that has gone on in every administration, whether D or R. I'm sure we could extend this back to 1990 if we wanted to, and maybe before.


The danger of following this stupidity is that you ARE going to allow Leftism more power and more power quickly.

That has been going on, and it is not exacerbated by pointing out the equivalence between Dems and Reps with regard to their behavior at the federal level and the trajectory they set for the country.


Of course, radicals will just spin this within the same meme and the useful idiots will eat it up.

The two parties take the nation in the same direction. That trajectory is indisputable. It's not "radical" to point that out. And the people that "eat it up" are not idiots, they're just observing reality.

It's not surprising, of course, that you cast such a net over others. Much like Sam Harris, your hubris and mental instability make you think you're just that much smarter and an overall better person than the rest of us. We're just heathens, a bunch of rubes without enough sense for calculus and lawyerin' and other dubious things, right? We're just gettin' that mind control from Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert.

If only we had a bunch of SFP's to keep us safe and tell us which laundry detergent to buy and how to wash our hands. Maybe then we'd get somewhere in life. But, surely we should leave these important things to people like SFP, he won't fall for those Gaetz and Boebert mind control experiments. Oh no, he's too smart for that. And Trump didn't affect him at all. Not one bit. Too dang smart fer it.
Posted by jnethe1
Member since Dec 2012
16143 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:24 am to

I wouldn’t want to go back in the corner voluntarily either, it’s going to take multiple elections where women with GEDs and men who are setting up book deals are rejected by actual swing voters for “mainstream” conservatives to get fed up with losing and accept being just an opposition party again (aka Ivy educated big business Republicans in charge again).

I do not think that people will ever accept the rino republicans again. Trump, and member of the freedom caucus, have shown that our representatives are capable of doing much more. However they choose to continually go along with the left. John McCain talking about how we needed to repeal Obamacare and then when given the opportunity to do so did a thumbs down displayed to many how out of touch our representatives are. They do not share our values at all. They will continue to be held accountable, and the pressure will increase more and more.

But it all means nothing, they are controlling the vote count. You will not be able to vote your way out of this.
Posted by jnethe1
Member since Dec 2012
16143 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:25 am to

But they won't because they are all beholden to the donor class. That's why they are the same as D's.

Yep, you are not voting your way out of this.
Posted by jnethe1
Member since Dec 2012
16143 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:28 am to
You still have not answered my question about who, in your opinion, is the best representative for the gop.


They are extremists in that they're a very small group demanding extreme things (like disproportionate power)

Who are you referring to here?
Posted by ItNeverRains
Member since Oct 2007
25949 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:30 am to

I'm not deflecting. I asked for specifics and you framed a compound question based on a bunch of assumptions.

Like the overlap is because of policy that both parties constituents overwhelming support. Link to that assumption?


That's pretty standard. Just like every poll will have a disfavorable view of Congress. The problem is these exist when DEMs and the GOP are in power, so they don't tell us anything.

I disagree. That’s tells us everything.

Posted by 3nOut
Central Texas, TX
Member since Jan 2013
29134 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:31 am to

One thing the GOP has a big problem is avoiding unnecessary risks, especially in the "muh fight" age of Trump. The GOP could frick up a wet dream and have derailed many campaigns by simply not shutting up.

i have no argument against this.

regarding "unnecessary risks" and Trump. I've often said that Trump isn't really wrong about his takes on the issues that often. he just is incredibly stupid about how he verbalizes things.

and he really doesn't shoot himself in the foot necessarily. but he sure as hell loads the gun and then steadies the aim for the MSM and Democrats.

Boebert and MTG are the spearheads of unnecessary risk to me. i probably agree with them on the issues most often, but good Lord we could use better messengers and they are liabilities.


You only get to vote for 1 Rep and 2 Senators.

Like I said, these tranny scenarios are pretty much all local issues and have nothing to do with Congress. Focus any attention at the appropriate level.

agreed. i do care way more about my city rep, school board rep, mayor, etc.

my republican mayor recently agreed to backdoor $100k+ in transgender diversity training for the city because a cop accidentally fired his gun and killed a black motorist. fortunately, he was immediately suspended and charged so we avoided any George Floyd/Michael Brown controversy. body cam and car footage showed that it was genuinely just a terrible accident.

activists asked for some city training in light of that (blackmail to not riot) that diversity training also included LGBT training that had nothing to do with the issue at hand.

i live in an incredibly red area and it's still trying to permeate my local schools and government. so yes, what i vote for and do here matters

but.. but... my vote for senate is going to go be involved in SCOTUS picks. And the trans men going into women's spaces is going to be challenged time and time again.

Single payer is going to have to go through both houses. And you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that some people are going to try to get "gender affirmation" into covered care.

Plenty of elected officials and people in media think something as stupid as "but a man isn't a woman" is hate speech and would love for that to be outlawed. the equality act and recent marriage act are both examples of things that who i vote for matters. one of my senators out of my 3 elected officials in DC failed their campaign promises there. I mean, IDGAF about them passing that much, but they voted opposed to what they ran on.

So yes, who you vote for locally AND in DC matters.
Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34359 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:52 am to

I do not think that people will ever accept the rino republicans again

Conservative extremists (mostly men) won’t, but the party as a whole will.

White women in the suburbs have determined every major election in the 21st century, and they showed last year they are getting fed up with the MAGA circus. They voted for Trump in 2016 because they hated Hillary and they liked the idea of an outsider, but they obviously got that out of their system. If they still supported this platform it would have been a red wave and the whole saga going on right now never happens.

Now the question is: once right wing men are no longer are represented in federal government what will be the reaction? I expect a US version of the Troubles frankly, I think especially these young men that have made themselves unmarriable by millennial and Gen Z women because of their expression of MAGA politics on social media will lash out violently about never getting that white picket life the mainstream media promised them. The next 10 years will see an increase in mass shootings from men that have nothing to lose, no one representing their point of view (which is how it’s been most of my life but Trump gave them a taste and they can’t let go).

And that is what will rebuild the GOP. Once it gets violent the suburban women will turn to moderate mainstream Republicans for safety (like they turned to Bush in 2004) and the cycle will begin again.
Posted by RogerTheShrubber
Juneau, AK
Member since Jan 2009
263355 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 9:55 am to

The 20 have framed this to produce just the thought experiment in your head.

Oh, so it's a mind control conspiracy.

Uh huh.

I love what the 20 are doing. People bitch about the govt, then turn around and defend it.

Statist doing statis things.
Posted by Flats
Member since Jul 2019
22211 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:05 am to


Wordy, but damned accurate. He must think somebody buys it but I’m not sure who that would be.
Posted by SlowFlowPro
Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
Member since Jan 2004
425838 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:22 am to

But we're not discussing whether or not Republican voters are the same as Democrat voters. So my argument is the relevant one, and yours is dodging.

What is your argument?

This was the post I replied to:


You just got done being critical of an echo chamber that exists on this board, and then, as an attorney no less, you argue that Hobbs is an Evangelical social conservative policy as opposed to a legal matter, correctly called by SCOTUS.

And I responded:


My personal analysis/opinion and how the population as a whole see Hobbs are 2 different things.

You were discussing interpretation and making an implicit ad hom attack b/c you were asserting I didn't understand the legal issues of Hobbs, when that wasn't the point.


we're not discussing whether or not Republican voters are the same as Democrat voters.

Go back in the discussion tree:

You said:


A wave of evangelical social conservatism in politics/policy is not.

I said:


I imagine over half the country would disagree with this, post-Hobbs.

I didn't bring up DEM/GOP just "over half the country" and I stand by that.


There is no Evangelical social conservative movement that's got any sort of traction in the federal government.

And, again, I'd assume over half the country would disagree with this re: Hobbs


Get out of your echo chamber, bro, and stop imagining Trump is not GOPe. He is an example that supports my argument, not yours.

Get out of your echo chamber, bro, and stop imagining Trump is not GOPe. He is an example that supports my argument, not yours.

Trump was the most extreme "reign in federal spending" candidate, and couldn't do anything more than historic spending. Who are these other options to show their convictions v. the reality of governing?


Take their money away would work.

So not theater, fantasy.


Well, what should a party be doing that is diametrically opposed to what the other party (in control) is trying to pass? Fight? Tussle? Call it what you want but putting up little opposition is consistent with my argument.

People pushing "muh fight" just misrepresent negotiation and working with large groups of people to try to achieve goals.

If you add in an incorrect opinion that your preferred policies are more popular than they are, you will ignore how difficult it is to pass legislation that is severely unpopular.
Posted by SlowFlowPro
Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
Member since Jan 2004
425838 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:23 am to

That depends on what the GOP officially claims to be.

The GOP hasn't really changed the past 40 years at least.


Trump snuck in, not because voters decided that the GOP now meant this or that, but because the party (at the federal level) frequently ignored its own platform.

What specific parts of the platform? Where are these policies referenced historically?
Posted by SlowFlowPro
Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
Member since Jan 2004
425838 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:25 am to

People have seen that their representatives will lie to them and pretend that they share their constituents values, only to get elected and do absolutely nothing they said they would do to get elected.

Campaigning and shite talking is much different than governing.


Tell us all who in your opinion perfectly embodies the gop.

Give me a second to think of pro-MIC, pro-business, socially conservative guy. Probably McConnell.


What representative is your favorite?

My preferences have nothing to do with this discussion
Posted by SlowFlowPro
Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
Member since Jan 2004
425838 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:25 am to

Definitely not emotional

What is emotional about pointing out a bad argument or a poorly used meme pretending to be an argument?
Posted by Houag80
Member since Jul 2019
9693 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:28 am to
You are insane.
Posted by SlowFlowPro
Simple Solutions to Complex Probs
Member since Jan 2004
425838 posts
Posted on 1/6/23 at 10:30 am to

McCain shot down the effort to repeal Obamacare.

That was b/c of a personal issue with Trump, created by Trump doing the super-aggressive, irrational "fighting" they claim to want.

Guess what: when you have to work with the people you just talked shite to, ideology becomes less of a binding factor.


but their support for Biden's infrastructure bill that pushed a lot of lefty initiatives is another example.

I don't like the bill, but the fact that "lefty initiatives" are in a huge federal bill is a nothingburger.


You may chalk that up to reflecting the leftist movement in the population, but that's not necessarily true with their constituents who voted for them over their Democrat opponents.

I'm talking about the population in general and not purposefully selected areas that are upset with the general change.

What social policy do you believe society has become more conservative over compared to 25 years ago? 50? 100?
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