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NHL Player Picks Up Hitchhiker Bono of U2
by Larry Leo
June 3, 201128 Comments
Edmonton Oilers center Gilbert Brule was driving with his girlfriend Tuesday when he saw two people walking along side of the road caught in the rain storm looking for a ride. Turns out the people were U2 frontman Bono and his assistant. Bono told the crowd that night...
quote:Bono also went on comparing his fellow bandmates to former Oiler greats, calling The Edge, "The Wayne Gretzky of U2." Brule told the Edmonton Journal...
"I like people who play ice hockey -- they stop for hitchhikers. I know this from experience," Bono told the concert crowd. "I was hitchhiking in Vancouver yesterday, actually I was! And this guy and his girlfriend picked me up. He was cool, an ice hockey player, his name was Gilbert Brule as it happens, I'm so grateful I've decided I want to be Gilbert Brule."
quote:Bono thanked them by giving them tickets and backstage passes for the show that night.
"We go to walk our dog and Bono ends up in our car"
Filed Under: NHL
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