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re: All the RINOs dislike Vance

Posted by Y.A. Tittle on 7/26/24 at 8:28 pm
[quote]Please enlighten me on what exactly he has done, without using taking points if msm, to harm the ticket[/quote] A VP candidate hasn’t really done anything to swing an election in almost anyone’s lifetime here. Anybody thinking Vance is possibly going to change that. :lol:...
Western Civilization is mostly a dystopian mess ...
[quote]There is more baggage than the “cat lady” comment.[/quote] Sure. None of it is flipping a single vote. ...
[quote]Media shouldn’t be able to nail you to a cross within a week of being selected, though. Not ideal.[/quote] Are you a childless catlady?...
I like the pick, but I recognize it’s pretty meaningless at this point. No Trump VP pick was really going to sway anything at all either way. Especially in the current dynamic, but probably under any. ...

re: Let's talk blackeyed peas

Posted by Y.A. Tittle on 7/26/24 at 8:09 am
When I noticed Paul in the thread, I knew for sure I had gotten one. :lol: I will never have a food board comment too innocuous for Paul to not GIT me. :bow:...
[quote]It’s infuriating the way they’ve tied Project 25 to Trump. Roy Cooper (NC Governor mentioned as a VP candidate) had a press conference yesterday and behind him were signs about “Defeating Trump’s Project 25”. The level of dishonesty just keeps climbing.[/quote] I’m assuming at least one m...
The fact they have actually convinced themselves that such bullshite works. :lol:...
[quote]No politics[/quote] I agree. I wish they weren’t really involved in shite like how vehicles are made. :cheers:...

re: Let's talk blackeyed peas

Posted by Y.A. Tittle on 7/26/24 at 7:27 am
[quote]gumbo2176[/quote] Your recipe is pretty much what I do. I don’t usually add celery and prefer just some sort of ham or pickled pork to smoked sausage in black eyes, but your method is on the money. ...
[quote]STOP frickING AROUND WITH LOW CYLINDER TURBO ENGINES YOU IDIOTS!!!!![/quote] It’s all driven by government regulating stupidity. Hopefully someone will end it. ...
[quote]That she is a Baptist Hindu married to a Jewish husband and is in the mold of Gandhi.[/quote] Does she claim to be Baptist? :lol: To be honest, I’ve never really pondered what “religion” she claims, but that’s sort of a hoot. ...
[quote]told u people moochelle would not run. she has the name recognition but she is not made for this and could not handle trump dragging his nuts all over her.[/quote] It offers her nothing over what she already has. She’s not Hillary. She’s got all the fame and adulation (and wealth) she coul...
[quote]Are you fricking retarded? He's an NYC billionaire who's been slaying for decades and you think he just wanted to be President to get pussy? What is wrong with you?[/quote] What pussy has he gotten by running for President? :lol:...
[quote]Perception is reality.. and the PERCEPTION is that this makes Trump look scared…. Im not saying he IS scared- maybe he is, or maybe he isn’t- i am simply pointing out the perception that makes this a politically dumb move .[/quote] Running on Trump being “scared” sounds like an absolutely...
[quote]quote: 3. Stop saying that Kamala covered up to help Biden, while also saying that Kamala staged a coup to overthrow Biden. It doesn’t make sense to say both at once While I mostly, totally agree, you can absolutely do this given the time frame. She covered up for it forever until it w...
[quote]Well at least she is more forthright than Barack.[/quote] She’s just stupider. If she knew better or was capable of actually spinning this the way Obama could, no way you’d get this kind of honesty. This is why she [i]should[/i] have no chance. I don’t think she does, but I’ve seen s...
[quote]Why are their rights being attacked with Dems in power?[/quote] It’s remarkable how they are really able to sell this shite given the situation isn’t it?...
[quote]And there it is. Just like clockwork. She’s painted herself into a corner w/ the radical left.[/quote] Nah. They are all good winking and nodding along at this point, I’m guessing. ...

re: Ron Paul vs. J.D. Vance

Posted by Y.A. Tittle on 7/25/24 at 7:28 am
[quote]Is "populism" just a form of messaging?[/quote] I mean, yeah, basically. What do you think it is?...