This dude continues to ask for criticism. Browns QB Johnny Manziel bolted out of Cleveland Friday night for Austin to do things like this at the X Games...

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Filed Under: NFL
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Pavoloco83128 months
Reminds me of Matt leinart
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Displaced128 months
I mena, why would the swan even be out there if it wasn't meant to be ridden?
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Will Munny128 months
This pic has a Billy Madison vibe to it
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Dick Macho128 months
Oh NOOOO! He rode a floating swan!!! AND popped a bottle!!! AT THE SAME TIME!!! He's out of control!!!

This is definitely newsworthy.
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schwartzy128 months
Fun, college-aged guy to be around. With this social media age, anything anyone does is public unlike the past when people could get away with a lot more.
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L S Usetheforce128 months
Andrew Luck was a badass, 21 once, have you ever seen him on a Swan?

Manziel tries to hard to be "that guy"
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RB10128 months
Manziel is a douche, BUT

If I were in his position I would be doing the exact same thing. Dude's living the dream.
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SaintLSUnAtl128 months
"but Manziel and his over the top antics rub people the wrong way."

Being popular, having money and enjoying it is just sooooo over the top. I really don't see why people hate this kid. I guess it's just b/c he doesn't GAF what anyone thinks
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Franktowntiger7128 months
This douche's fall from grace is going to be epic.
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TIGERhype128 months
Can't fix stupid!
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ColoradoElkHerd128 months
21 year old male partying. Nothing to see here.
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TeamWillow128 months
He's hilarious!
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Big12fan128 months
He's the male version of Kim Kardashian. Can't get enough attention.
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MC5601128 months
Having fun isn't the problem. The majority of college/young NFL athletes have fun but Manziel and his over the top antics rub people the wrong way. If he wasn't your former QB you'd be calling him a douche lord for doing this.
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Gradual_Stroke128 months
"Continues to ask for criticism"? Criticism for having fun? Oh brother.
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