Philly Fans Turn WWE NXT Event Into A
Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
Eagles fans have one more week until they get their shot at dethroning the Patriots from the top of the mountain. Until then, they'll turn every Philly event into an anti-Tom Brady event. Including this past weekend's WWE NXT event...(language NSFW)...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Fearless_and_True84 months
The youth learning young...
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xGeauxLSUx84 months
Damnit Larry!! They were saying "F*ck Tom Brady"...not "F*ck you Tom Brady".
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Jwils84 months
This is far worse than a stadium chanting STTDB......
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DoubleDown84 months
It is? Both seem childish.
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saint tiger22584 months
Not surprising since most wrestling fans have the mentality of a high school sophomore.
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Crimson1st84 months
Haters gonna be crying next Sunday night.
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TouchdownTony84 months
Philly fans and LSU fans are so alike. F u chants, throwing shite at opponents fans, rude as hell. U just have to co exist as bad as u don't want to.
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BobABooey84 months
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R1184 months
Such class. Typical NFL people though
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GeologyGrad8884 months
Classy bunch up there in the City of Brotherly Love. Trash at its finest!
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Amazing Moves84 months
Philly fans are the worst in all of sports.
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kjntgr84 months
Yea NY fans would never ever ever even dream of such vulgarity
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