Our First Star-Studded NFL Commercial Is Here And It's From Frito Lay
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
You know it's almost football season when you see commercials like this...

Filed Under: NFL
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EyeOfTheTiger31148 months
They just had to put in the completely irrelevant female coach. What a fricking joke.
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JackieTreehorn48 months
frick everyone associated with the nfl
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LSU-MNCBABY48 months
frick that lesbian coach, but surprised no black lives matter reference. Probably because Brady wouldn’t do it if it did
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Rex Feral48 months
Frick the NFL
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jeff7012148 months
Underwhelming to say the least!
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Buckeye Jeaux48 months
Marshall Lynch story time - great title
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bigman33448 months
cant fricking wait
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GumboPot48 months
Was expecting over the top virtue signaling. Pleasantly surprised, slightly.
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BuzzSaw 1248 months
You must've missed the lesbo female 49ers coach that just had to be showcased to make the NFL look "inclusive"
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PanhandleTigah48 months
For the first time I'm sad to say I don't give a crap about the NFL or their overpaid athletes.
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TaderSalad48 months
yeh, no one cares anymore...
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