Broncos LB Von Miller Is Trying To Stop This Girl From Releasing Sex Tape
Chris Humphreys-USA TODAY Sports
Denver Broncos star LB Von Miller is trying to stop the release of a sex tap shot in Cancun, featuring himself and model Elizabeth Ruiz, who is demanding $2.5 million or else. You can read more on that here. In the meantime here's Ruiz...(music is NSFW)...

Filed Under: NFL
user avatar
BlackTiger8994 months
She looks like something I can pick up in da club on da drunk night... I'm incredibly disappointed in not only a millionaire but a superstar.. smh I'll let her release dat thang unless he's on da short end lmaooo
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JOHNN94 months
Might not be about the possibility of having a sbc, but more about who he has sponsorships with. I could see that being the bigger issue.
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DoubleDown94 months
Look this chick is pretty hot for me to get but I'm not an elite NFL star worth millions of dollars. This chick seems kinda low for him... she ain't THAT hot.
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pellietigersaint94 months
So we all know he has a tape out.....the damage is done. Paying her 2.5 would be a wastep of money. If I were an NFL star I'd be more concerned with people knowing.....once they knew.....IDGAF who would watch it. She fricked up
user avatar
Cheese Grits94 months
Is she implying it has Von and another guy? Dude went to TAMU, but with Michael Sam I think the gay barrier has been broken in the NFL. 2.5 million seems a bit steep, counter offer with fiddy cents and stop at tree fiddy like a boss.
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PeteRose94 months
If Von pays her, she can still release the tape. Or worse, she can hold it and ask for more money in the future. If I were Von Miller, I'd make a new sex tape and release it myself. She can shove the old tape up her jiggly arse.
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emanresu94 months
They would obviously enter into a contract which prohibits her from releasing it in exchange for the money, in default of which she would have to pay it back, + stipulated damages.
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BassMan6394 months
No way I pay her. I refuse to be extorted or intimidated by anyone.
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thatdude198594 months
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SomeLSUguy94 months
I think it is hilarious how there is a NSFW warning for the music lyrics... but not a thing about the girl twerking her birth canal and balloon knot all over the screen in a thong. Don't get me wrong, I watched it and didn't hate it, but I found it more surprising that Larry could post his spank videos without a warning.
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idlewatcher94 months
Lulz Larry tracking down these vids.
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Gumbo194 months
Do not pay the skank! Let her release it and start a reality show like the Ho-dashians do. Live a life of ease while morons watch you get rich. Only downside is you have to stage drama.
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DaleGribblesMower94 months
the girl is gross
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AustinKnight94 months
Gays says hello
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milkyweed94 months
Would not pay her a dime even if my peen was an invisibly small. She's stupid.
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TennesseeFan2594 months
"What.... You're going to release the video of me smashing you for everyone to see...???" (5 hours later in lockerroom) "Haha... told you guys, I fricking told you!!!"
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hogminer94 months
Fvck her. Don't give her a damned thing Von.
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dabigfella94 months
the only reason a man would try to stop this being released would be bc he has a tiny peen.
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hogNsinceReagan94 months
Or there are donkeys!!
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Texas Weazel94 months
He should waste her time and tell her the check is in the mail because at the end of the day, these sex videos don't usually ruin the male's reputation.
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OchoDedos94 months
she beez fugly
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AustinKnight94 months
Downvote coming to you sir and probably many more to follow. U obviously have no taste for ethnic cuisine
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bullyintigertown94 months
You queer?
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JumpingTheShark94 months
This seems like it should be illegal.
user avatar
Pahnew94 months
Music is NSFW. So video is acceptable at work just on mute
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