Remember when sports broadcaster Brent Musburger got a little creepy with A.J. McCarron's then girlfriend Katherine Webb during Alabama’s national title win against Notre Dame a few years back...

Well, A.J. just got traded to the Raiders recently and look who was right there welcoming the McCarrons, especially Katherine...
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Filed Under: NFL
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OweO77 months
Brent made her famous.
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Tigers13Fan77 months
How has this not been posted yet? LINK
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1977 months
AJ ain't hittin that right.
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Gumbo177 months
AJ's mom is serious MILF material. Just sayin'
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biglego77 months
He was obviously joking here. Putting “beautiful” in quotes to harken back to his on-air comment of how beautiful she is.
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Amazing Moves77 months
I just acknowledged that she was beautiful. Hell, I'm already in the mood for another acknowledgment.
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Jack Crevalle77 months
Creepy old man didn't learn his lesson
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habanos77 months
Larry you Cuck
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Placebeaux77 months
Would you let Brett give her a foot massage
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1977 months
I'm the foot fookin mastuh.
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OweO77 months
Brett Farve?
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Pawsome8177 months
The former Clemson Cheerleader and Miss South Carolina and now Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Rachel Wyatt is much more attractive.
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holdem Tiger77 months
Disagree strongly
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SthGADawg77 months
im with holdem tiger...strongly disagree...Webb is a smokeshow
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jdd4877 months
He's got to be just trolling at this point. I know he's old but I don't think he's at a point where he'd be senile yet.
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atltiger648777 months
so it's "creepy" for a sportscaster to acknowledge that McCarron's GF is beautiful (when the cameramen and director were putting her on-screen a lot, for that exact reason)? By the way, she IS beautiful, and yes, quarterbacks usually end up with hot girls. It's just the way it is, and we all know it. Good lord, what a soft society we've become.
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emanresu77 months
Poor Brent. Putting 'beautiful' in quotes means the opposite of what he intended.
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Broadside Bob77 months
Creepy as it may have been/is, Brent basically "discovered" KWebb. She would not have been in the SI Swimsuit issue a month later had it not been for him.
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Ripley77 months
I think it's funny. And I think he said it to be humorous.
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Cadello77 months
Larry has competition here for Creeper of the Year.
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JackieTreehorn77 months
This is a hoot coming from Larry!
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Dr RC77 months
Ultimate creeper Larry Leo ripping Mushmouth for being a creeper is like Bono attacking Liam Gallagher for being too full of himself.
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EKG77 months
I thought it was funny. The McCarrons likely chuckled.
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