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Earlier this Saturday, it was reported by TMZ that Saints tight end Jimmy Graham was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance. The Saints have addressed the arrest saying he experienced a "medical episode" Friday night, which resulted in him becoming disoriented...
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Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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EulerRules13 months
Disorientation can occur with a non-motor seizure (Focal impaired awareness) and post-ictally after many generalized seizures. Based on info provided I will certainly give JG benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for brain tumors to present with this type of seizure at any point in life. I pray this is not JG's etiology.
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WhoDatNC13 months
California will do that to you.
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Mr Happy13 months
Geritol makes you disoriented?
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy13 months
Next time I get busted for a DUI I need to use that same letter and give it to my employer
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JackieTreehorn13 months
Illegal aliens will do that to you!
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tiger10913 months
That can happen just walking through the French Quarter these days.
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cypresstiger13 months
Legal drugs can do that to you, too
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xGeauxLSUx13 months
Don't know if you guys know this but illegal drugs will certainly do that to you.
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TheRouxGuru13 months
Illegal drugs will do that to you!
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CajunBullet13 months
Illegal drugs will do that to you!
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CajunBullet13 months
Illegal Drugs will do that to you.
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Strannix13 months
Is that what they call it now? A "medical episode"
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BobABooey13 months
Yes. The Saints front office had a “medical episode” when they offered Graham a contract.
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genuineLSUtiger13 months
Mushrooms or acid would be my guess. They improve edge detection neurology.
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