These Are The 10 Winningest College Football Programs Of The Decade
Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports
As we just wrapped up the last decade, let's take a look at the 10 winningest college football programs of the last decade...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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PRIMO3056 months
And just think, if those top 2-5 teams played in a real conference...they’d be down the list.
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Roaad56 months
App State at 9, not bad
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Hangit56 months
I would like to know how many of each teams wins were against cupcakes. I am guessing Clemson, OSU and OU were about 60-70%
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siliconvalleytiger56 months
Wow. LSU #6 in what seemed like mediocre years but for a couple.
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Water Mocassin56 months
Boise is a joke. If they played in the SEC they wouldn’t have half those wins.
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DeafVallyBatnR56 months
Lost 8 to bama
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jimbeam56 months
Crazy with how mediocre most years seemed.
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BobABooey56 months
124-15? That’s pretty good. Y’all remember that one game where Auburn returned a missed field goal for the win over 4l4bama? Good God, what a decade! Peace out.
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