Ohio State Puts Title Game On 2015-2016 Locker Room Schedule
Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
The defending national champions, the Ohio State Buckeyes, have posted their 2015-2016 schedule up in their locker room. As you'll see, it includes next year’s national championship game...
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Also notice Michigan is the only opponent without a name or a logo.
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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MaHittaMaHitta118 months
They play nobody
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Tom Emanski Swagger118 months
That's ironic, Va Tech was touted as a legit OOC opponent when Bama played them a few years ago. Schedule didn't seem to matter last year when they beat Bama and Oregon back to back.
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earl keese118 months
Embarrassing schedule.
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DoubleDown118 months
Wow, look at that schedule. So they basically play Michigan State. Jesus.
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bamaclownbaby118 months
They did this last year as well, but no one cared then.
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Harry Caray118 months
"Also notice Michigan is the only opponent without a name or a logo."

They've been doing that for years, larry
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OleRockyTop118 months
Very strong schedule :sarcasm font:
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BuddyLAM118 months
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KosmoCramer118 months
Woody started it.
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buzwa118 months
Such a tough schedule.
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spslayto118 months
"That Team Up North"...seems something like a child would do.
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