FAU head coach Lane Kiffin out here embarrassing his team's equipment manager on his birthday...
© Steve Roberts-USA TODAY Sports
FAU head coach Lane Kiffin out here embarrassing his team's equipment manager on his birthday...
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Actually, I bet the dude gets a date or two out of it.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Gatorbait200863 months
Kiffin has fricked at least 100 girls on that campus. Minimum.
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Fearless_and_True63 months
He can be my wingman
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AustinKnight63 months
Guy is out of control and I like that
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JackieTreehorn63 months
Joey Freshwater 4 Prez
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Chuker63 months
Crazy your opinion on people can change. I used to loath LK but now i kinda think he's cool. LeBron James will forever and always be a bitch tho.
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TaderSalad63 months
And Epstein didnt kill himself.
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Bamafan2463 months
His twitter account just got some visitors thanks to him.
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HuskyPanda63 months
Respect that Kiffin is being the ultimate wing man
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