Tim Tebow trying to field this off the wall and well...

Filed Under: MLB
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LSU Coyote74 months
The hate on Tebow is ridiculous.
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El Es Shu74 months
Maybe he could have played it better but it’s a misleading title. Nothing to see here.
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Drizzt74 months
Not the first time Tebow took balls to the face
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rabend174 months
Are you trying to say Jesus Christ can’t field the outfield, Larry?!?
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GeeOH74 months
Why are you so dumb with these posts? It hit 15 ft high on the wall first. Minor detail to ignore, font you think?
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scuppernong74 months
What a pussy.
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Luckily for him it wasn't a fly ball in foul territory, near the Boarmuda Triangle, because apparently those are impossible to catch.
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LaBR474 months
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91TIGER74 months
Yeah, the title led you to believe it was another Jose Canseco type error, disappointing.
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litenin74 months
I was expecting some sort of error but just a very difficult play.
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