Here's How A-Rod & Jennifer Lopez Broke Their '10-Day No Sugar/No Carbs Challenge'
© Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports
For the last ten days we've seen Yankees star Alex Rodriguez and his girlfriend Jennifer Lopez track the results ( her results) of their 10 Day Challenge of no sugars and carbs. Well, those ten days are up and this is how A-Rod dove back into the carb pool...

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How did you break the #10daychallenge?

Filed Under: MLB
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Amazing Moves68 months
He's used to cheat days.
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diat15068 months
How many carbs is j-lo's booty?
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Walt OReilly68 months
ARod looks great
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WithaRebelYell68 months
Wings look good
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SECdragonmaster68 months
All of that food is for show. Look how clean his plate is. Not a single slice of pizza gone. He is just attention whoring.
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Klark Kent68 months
How is this newsworthy? Larry, my wife and I did a 12 day deatox tea cleanse. You want pictures to post? (No? Then frick off)
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Keeble914568 months
Yea because you and your wife are equal to Arod and J-lo.
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Ducyborg68 months
Pics of wife
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djangochained68 months
I’ll take em
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SaintLSUnAtl68 months
Wow. 10 days huh without sugar and carbs huh? How brave of them to make such a sacrifice
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