What a world we live in where George W. Bush can cheering on himself in a race. This happened at the Rangers vs. Yankees game on Wednesday...
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Gumbo176 months
Larry I am just surprised you spelled "bush" right... since you have never seen one up close and personal.
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wizziko76 months
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Peter Venkman76 months
Who were the other mascots racing? Nolan Ryan and Sam Houston?
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ListenLindaLSU76 months
Laura >>>>>Mushelle
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Placebeaux76 months
Was he looking for those WMDs still?
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Sid in Lakeshore76 months
She still looks good. Prolly "Would"
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SoFla Tideroller76 months
As much as I disagree with the Bush family politically for being establishment Republicans, they are a good family. And W is definitely the coolest President we've had in decades.
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SirWinston76 months
Nope. War criminal, globalist and not nearly as colorful a past as DJT.
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Sid in Lakeshore76 months
Lighten up Frances (SirFrances)
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earl keese76 months
SirWinston, Dubya very well could be those things, but when people are fondly reminiscing about his years in the White House, it shows just how far down the shitter this country has gone.
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CaptainJ4776 months
I would be pissed if Secret Service was blocking my box view seat by standing during the game.
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