On Saturday night a vicious melee broke out at Citi Field in New York during a matchup between the Atlanta Braves and New York Mets. A Braves fan got absolutely lit up by two Mets fans wearing Jacob deGrom jerseys...
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(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: MLB
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chinhoyang30 months
The Atlanta fans were the trash. Atlanta's fan base is the scummiest.
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DoubleDown30 months
Da fuq? Is this coming from a Mets fan? No one here believes that Atlanta Braves fans are more trash than any NY fans. Not buying it, sorry.
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DoubleDown30 months
Finally watched the video. That was like 3vs1 where 2 dudes swinging aimlessly and the 3rd just holding him. Odds are the Braves fan was wasted and talking shite. Or could just be Mets fans being typical NY trash.
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Jfk Jr30 months
F'd around and found out.
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DoubleDown30 months
Unfortunately, the Mets knocked the frick outta the Braves this weekend too.
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BrotherDawg8430 months
Shithole city full of yankee shitehole people.
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Back in the year 2000 I wore a John Rocker jersey to Shea Stadium. None of those losers approached me. Probably because we were rolling 30 deep on a church youth trip.
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3PieceSpicy30 months
When are people going to learn not to engage in a fight unless you have the high ground?
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Gus Tinsley30 months
A cheap shot taken by a by-stander. And then gets high fived for his gutless punch!!
Just typical New Yorkers....
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BigPerm3030 months
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fruitbread30 months
frick the mets
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GeauxtigersMs3630 months
Seriously 45 days In jail
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tiggerthetooth30 months
Are all NY baseball fans pieces of shite?
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4TheLoveLSU30 months
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LesnarF530 months
NY where they boo their own players. lol
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LesnarF530 months
frick HIS arse UP!!! So much enjoyment going to NY games!
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Champagne30 months
It all started in an argument over how to pronounce "potato".
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CanebreakCajun30 months
Mets fans will get cashless bail, but if you defend yourself in a bodega you’ll get charged with murder. What a dump.
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BK78530 months
2 on 1 plus being held back?
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JackieTreehorn30 months
The entire city of New York is a shithole.
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idlewatcher30 months
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Tiger198830 months
Ooo how hard is it be to hit a defenseless guy. Dumbass pussy Met fans.
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kkv7530 months
And yet another pussy yelling instead of getting in there and doing his own business.
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