Steven Branscombe-USA TODAY Sports
Kendall Rogers with D1 Baseball has reported that LSU assistant coach and recruiting coordinator Nolan Cain is joining Texas A&M's staff under new head coach Jim Schlossnagle.

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Cain is the second LSU assistant coach to leave Baton Rouge this offseason as hitting coach Eddie Smith took the head position at Utah Valley.

Cain pitched at LSU from 2006-2009 and was named assistant coach/recruiting coordinator in November of 2016. Per The Advocate:


Under Cain's watch, three of LSU's past four recruiting classes received top-five national rankings. Its 2018 class was ranked No. 1 nationally by Baseball America and Collegiate Baseball Newspaper, bringing players like junior pitchers Landon Marceaux and Jaden Hill to campus.

LSU's latest group, which included freshman All-Americans Dylan Crews and Tre' Morgan, was the first class Cain completely oversaw from start to finish. It finished No. 2 nationally, according to Baseball America.
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Yeti_Chaser44 months
Cain did get a lot better as time went on. When he first got here he was trash but his recruiting has improved as well as his 3B coaching. Now as for player development he still has a long way to go
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GoneFishing2144 months
What was he like in y’alls practices?
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ByUselves44 months
He would practice his 3rd base coaching signs, waving runners in & putting up stop signs...
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Giantkiller44 months
Why do all these bastards have to stay in the SEC
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ByUselves44 months
Thx for being a Tiger! Now that you're an Aggot, FU!
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Mr.Perfect44 months
This is the best baseball news of the year.
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GeauxsomeMeaux44 months
No hard feelings. He knows a new coach is bringing in his own staff! He simply s to move on. Good luck to him.
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TheTigershark44 months
But why there, pretty long step down
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rob6244 months
Well, bye
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TWT44 months
He was a liability at 3rd base. He deserves to be an Aggie.
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Jrv2damac44 months
Bitch bye
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