Filed Under: LSU Football
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Odysseus3223 months
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kkv7523 months
Sure. trust the guy who calls himself the Shark with our young players. Good thinking!
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Dickses23 months
Be careful young men!Don't allow these vipers to write an insurance policy on you.
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FLBooGoTigs123 months
Honestly great event for LSU sports. For football Brian Kelly is a professional all the way through and this shows present and future players that LSU is serious about their future in dealing with college and pro money. Why not LSU leading the way of the future for NIL money if not us it would be Bama, Georgia,etc. GEAUXTIGERS
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cajunmud23 months
Once you have some money, trust NO ONE! You have to manage your own money. Put most in safe plays, a small % in riskier stuff. But don't trust some squirrel who is supposedly looking after your account and investing your money by moving in and out of different things. It will be gone!
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TIGERhype23 months
Terrible advice!
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cajunmud23 months
Unless you're a dumbass.
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Freddy23823 months
Drew Rosenhaus securing the bag. LSU on another level with this NIL shite. Geaux Tigers
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Grateful Reb23 months

Jesus Christ, last thing we need are more iNfLuEnCeRs!1!1
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crossfire23 months
Nice, setting the standard and making LSU seen on the National level. Kelly is here to create a monster and he’s been extremely successful in year one.
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TeddyPadillac23 months
frick Klutch Sports.
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TigerPaw723 months
The sharks swam their way into the Bayou.
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Intelligent23 months
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LSU_Legz23 months
I bet these agents love being able to collect fees from such a huge new market of players they couldn't touch previously. Quite skeptical they were being philanthropic here and teaching these young men how to make sound financial and business decisions.
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LSU_Legz23 months
...but I do hope I'm wrong
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Ghost of Colby23 months
Yes and No. Of course they volunteered their time because it was in front of a room full of potential clients, but these agents are also legitimate and respected in that world, so any advice they offered was solid.
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Cousin23 months
Hey Mrs. Lynn!
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olgoi khorkhoi23 months
I hope all these guys understand the opportunity they have when the checks start rolling in. Most people work their whole lives hand-to-mouth, never accumulating enough money to put it to work for them. Many of these guys will find themselves with the kind of money that, with discipline and patience, they could grow into a lifetime of income through businesses and/or investments. Unfortunately, a lot of them will blow it as fast as they get it. Good to see LSU educating them on the power and possibility of money.
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Ghost of Colby23 months
NIL is wild. For years none of those agents would have been welcomed anywhere near campus, now they are invited with open arms.
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Cwils222223 months
It’s different, that’s for sure. I do like how pay for play is out in the open now. Nothing worse than dark money influence.
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