Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Check out former LSU defensive lineman Arden Key beating fellow rookie offensive lineman Brandon Parker with a chop a spin move during Raiders practice.

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LuzianaFootball73 months
Good job AK. Looks like a bounce back is imminent. Wonder what recruits think when they see our fans shite on former players because they take these young men's decisions personal. Key made bad choices and was led to make even more. He seems to have learned from it and now most teams that passed on him will deal with an angry AK.
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TigerSpray73 months
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LSUdubai73 months
Is he still fat?
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AustinKnight73 months
It’s literally like a video game . nothing u can do..
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Gator4Life73 months
His candy arse will quit on the Raiders!
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adavis73 months
Arden Key can kiss my arse. He was one of the most selfish players to ever wear the tiger uniform. I don't care how he does in the NFL
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tubucoco73 months
Y'all are wrong for that! Arden Key made terrible choices his JR year listening to who knows who. Whoever the hell it was they gave him "turrible" advice in taking off and shutting it down in his final year thinking that he had already done enough to be a top NFL draft pick. WRONG!! LMAO That was Stupid, Stupid, and Stupid and I'm sure he wish he had it all back again because he wouldn't do it especially having the bad combine to top it off too. You play out of your mind your first 2 seasons for LSU and then shut it down thinking that you already made it. He blew a lot of money, but he is still a ferocious pass rushing talent and so he'll prove it all over again with the Raiders. The Raiders really got a steal because of his screw up.
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ExpoTiger73 months
No one should be surprised. THe only thing stopping him from being successful is himself. If he’s focused he is a nightmare
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DVinBR73 months
maybe he will be available more than half the season this year at oakland
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EYE_on_LSU73 months
That’s a sick move . Maybe he will show his full talent in the NFL.
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loopback73 months
Shame he pissed away his last season at LSU, he could have been a monster.
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BDJ73 months
What he did or didn’t do at LSU has no bearing on him being or not being a monster in the NFL. I know some of you live and breathe college football but it is little league compared to the NFL.
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Laman197873 months
Shut the frick up, BDJ.
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