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mmcgrath34 months
I don't know why, but he seems to take the attitude that the media asking him questions is such a bore and beneath him. I have also seen some over the top anger and contempt this year like that is the persona he is trying to project. Not a good look and it seems to be forced.
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ColdTurkey34 months
I hope Myles watches this shite and doesn’t transfer. We win with Myles out there last night. We also beat UCLA, Auburn and probably Ole Miss with him behind center.
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Cajunboy4634 months
Total garbage go back and watch the video of him at practice when he tries to act all fired up he is fake and a scary little bitch
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Tojjevvuk34 months
max never takes accountability. The wrong QB is transferring. WIll be so happy this kid never wears purple or gold again.
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MasonTiger34 months
Good kid, but not the guy for the job.
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Tojjevvuk34 months
I dont even think hes a good kid. Never takes responsibility.
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Jrv2damac34 months
Not we, Max. “I”.
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Tigerfan23534 months
Get some pocket awareness, and anticipation for throwing the ball and we would have won.
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Nix to Twillie34 months
Well according to some of you if we were positive and excited all week that’s all it would have taken for us to win.
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HC8734 months
Gotta know the OFF like the back of your hand so you can make quick reads and get the ball out. Too many missed opps where we have had guys open downfield this season, and he does not see them. His protection has not been optimal, but he just doesn't seem to be 'improving' as the season unfolds.
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