
[Video: Tiger TV]
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zoom101 months
Why even ask this dude a question?
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LSUvet72101 months
Vote for Trump and he will deport illegal criminals back to Michigan OUICKLY.
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Vernonbrew22101 months
Elmer 4.3
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TaderSalad101 months
Just quit Less. Its the only option.
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Celjun101 months
In 2016 this is the best Audio quality we can get! I need to hear CLM's excuses in HD Dammit!!!!
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Vernonbrew22101 months
Our offense is seriously oppressed by lesticles
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tigerfootball10101 months
The man said, "THE KICKER IS YOUR WINNER". Les should be the corner man for Floyd Mayweather
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Walter White101 months
Is this a joke?
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northLAgoomba101 months
Les: join Mack Brown in the studio. The game has passed you by.
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jgawron101 months
Last night on commented on OC and lack of a passing game...And I agree with a number of posts here as I was at the game...Two of my last points and I am over this...1) If I am any school playing LSU I will stack 8-9 guys in the box all the time until you prove to me you can pass. I won't let LF beat me...2)Last night after the game I was invited to hang out with Wisconsin Fans for a Brat, etc...The one thing they kept saying from a number of fans above all relative to the game was how could you not throw on us we are weak in the secondary?...I could only say well that is what LSU Coaches get paid BIG MONEY to do and put players in positions to succeed ...You would have thought Les or Cam talked with Aranda about the defense....Honestly I am wondering if they ever asked...
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benoit479101 months
The players have to answer the tough questions and yet, the coach has all kinds of excuses.. Just admit that you suck and that you will fall back and let the players play and the coaches coach.. Stop putting your foot on their throats..
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BayouTiga101 months
Accept responsibility LM!!! Stop the fricken 'coach speak' as we are more educated sports fans than you think. You remind me of Hillary Clinton the way you answer questions. Bottom line, you had fricken terrible play calling and YOU need to accept responsibility for the loss. When will you step up like a man and say this loss was on YOU!!! I divorced the Saints many years ago, now I am divorcing LSU until LSU hires a new coach. It is not fair to the players or fans the level of 'Game Day Coaching' you and your staff brings to the field.
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dgnx6101 months
Les has always taken responsibility for losses. He always gets shite on by the fans. He never takes or gets credit for wins. But go ahead and stop watching, the Saints and LSU have enough dumb arse fans.
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PortCityTiger82101 months
The man comes within an inch of being fired, doesn't change a thing on offense, and y'all still defend him? His pride is the sole reason our offense never gets better
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sonuvapitcher101 months
Coach Miles - feel free to explore other opportunities.
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RaginRed101 months
I feel awful for some of these players. Player like Tre'White who decided to come back for their Senior season to compete for a National Title instead of going to the NFL and getting paid. Tre'White single handily put us back in that game. Only to have it taken away by dismal offensive play and horrid play calling down the stretch.
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Stud Bud101 months
Can't wait until Chuckles gets shitcanned.
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genuineLSUtiger101 months
I think Chuckles is here for about three more years. After that, we will see.
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km101 months
Tiger fan base. WAKE UP!!! Our offensive strategy is NOT going to change. Les has been using this philosophy for 20+ years, makes several million dollars a year and has been very successful in his industry. He's not going to change this philosophy. We'll win a lot of games, beat a mediocre team in a bowl, win 10 games and do it over again next year.
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RobDione101 months
Every thing is "I have to see the film". Well it's a pity he wasn't watching during the game. He's not being paid to be a humanitarian, he's being paid to win football games. I just turned 70 and have been watching this team for 50 years and I have to say it was far more enjoyable when we had good coaching and less than stellar talent. This is such a waste it's depressing. Seriously, what possible reason did Cameron have for hiding his conversation behind his play sheet? I guess he saw a real offensive coordinator doing it and thought it looked cool because it served no other purpose. Very sad indeed.
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CaliTigerHB101 months
I'm just over the "real quality" and "want to" phrases. Just over all of it
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jgawron101 months
I like many Tiger Fans was at the game today....First, I will say to the Wisconsin Fans thank you for making me and my family feel at home...I am not a coach but a fan like many of you who follow LSU...We had many Wisconsin Fans before and after the game indicate how talented we are as a team. The defense played the entire game and well to win...Offensively Wisconsin dared you to beat them by the pass...Les, 8 or 9 guys in the Box and your OC continues running up the middle...Yes, we have the best back in the country but if you can't throw the ball it doesn't matter...Quick pass to TE over the Top was open all game...nothing...I am just not satisfied with the QB after 2+ years, something is a miss...Is it the OC play calling?....Too conservative, etc..., Something is not right.......Can this team bounce back time will tell....I am to the point and yes it's one game but either you make in too the Playoff this year or a change is needed...You don't fail with the talent that team has....My opinion...
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themunch101 months
Les is done...
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colors_of_kings101 months
No he's not. LSU leadership won't let the buyout happen, we've seen this.
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OU812101 months
The so-called leadership needs to go as well!
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