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Biography:LSU alum
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Number of Posts:1839
Registered on:8/21/2008
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[quote]How is a woman sitting in a chair worth a thread?[/quote] You haven’t seen Emily sitting in a chair, have you?...
I know 5 women that will vote Trump that would kick every one of those soy boys asses...
If they spout the Orange Man Bad trope, the idiot Dems will be confused as to whether they are talking about DJT or the new Bronzer Brandon....
What roof? You mean the one the FBI pressure washed clean?...

re: Biden pissed

Posted by sonuvapitcher on 7/19/24 at 7:00 pm
Well… Barack Obama, “you ain’t black”....

re: Makeup of the 3 SS teams

Posted by sonuvapitcher on 7/19/24 at 4:54 pm
The one on stage was not one of the ones I said was incompetent. She was small though. That’s what I said....
That would definitely be the hyena ticket [img]https://freedomflamescandleco.com/cdn/shop/files/9_c33c6008-6667-457b-8381-1104c0ae5e7e.png?v=1693767537&width=1946[/img] [img]https://i.redd.it/g5xjl9bz4lxz.jpg[/img]...

Makeup of the 3 SS teams

Posted by sonuvapitcher on 7/19/24 at 2:46 pm
So Joey’s SS team consists of all large white males. SS assets were shuffled to cover Trump’s, Kamala’s and Jill’s events on Saturday. Trump had at least 3 women that I saw. One was small and the other 2 were obviously incompetent and didn’t know what to do. Has anybody seen anything that discus...
I can sympathize with Joe. It is confusing. He’s the same worthless skin bag of shite he was in 2020. Why is he not good enough now?...

re: I knew it was the JV Team

Posted by sonuvapitcher on 7/17/24 at 12:03 am
Does that mean that when Trump is elected that he can shuffle up the personnel on the Biden, Obama and Clinton SS details?...
[quote]IWNHI[/quote] This is what she looked like back then [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-05/21/17/asset/1f6247553197/sub-buzz-1142-1590083801-13.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto[/img]...
All this talk about calming and national unification is a waste of time. Too many on the left are unhinged and irrational. There can be no reasoning or compromise with them. Regardless of terms, they will feel like the victim and cause conflict. ...
You may be right, but he does have some very stiff competition....
[quote]A lot of Dem voters will just give up and stay home. They are mentally worn down from Biden.[/quote] You’re probably right, but the dead are looking for a night out. It’s been 4 years since their last one. They will turn out for Biden bigly....
shite pants Joe trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube....
The bullshite excuses about these weird modern day liberal fricks being bullied pisses me off. Bullies have always been around and always will be. Every Boomer and Xer witnessed bullying on an almost daily basis in public school. It wasn’t an excuse for assassination attempts or mass shootings. A...
It isn’t necessary to put deranged mentally ill in front of leftist....
On a positive note for DEI, the SS office toilet seat is left up 30% less of the time than it used to be. Also, the office has the woman pleasing smell of microwave popcorn....
My question is how could they not see him up there, but the SS sniper put him down only a split second after he fired off his rounds? It is almost like they knew he was there, had a trained sniper on him and took him out as soon as he squeezed off a few rounds that could take out the guy who is a...
Shooter’s free will wasn’t taken away. He will be judged on the intent of his actions. Not solely the result of them. As for the bystander that was killed. It was his time and God called him home. ...