Filed Under: LSU Football
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LSUdc27 months
This finally avenged the Josh Booty early Saban loss to UAB by a FG.
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Hoovertigah27 months
Good Lord the face mask at the end was 1st degree murder!
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Black n Gold27 months
I Don’t think they changed camera angles enough!
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Tchefuncte Tiger27 months
First kick six I've ever seen only to be overshadowed by Auburn's kick six over Alabama.
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GusAU27 months
It should be obvious to all that the entire University of Alabama system is unable to defend a missed long FG.
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GeauxTigers141027 months
Especially in 2013.
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TexasSinger27 months
Dude was electric!!! Wish this 2022 team had a OBJ on it.
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LSUMaverick27 months
Wow...I totally don't remember that.
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LSU_Legz27 months
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