Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:485
Registered on:11/4/2011
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He's yet to prove that.

His track record proved it well before he was speaker. He can't let the house fall apart before elections or it will hurt Republicans tremendously and might even cost the presidential election.
Mike Johnson is doing what he can to hold the House together and get Republicans to election season without another Republican clown show in the house again.

Do you really want the national narrative to be about Republicans being unable to pick a speaker? I'd rather have the media and election n
Maybe I'm easy to please, but I have no issues shopping at any of the grocery stores you listed.

re: Help with an old game

Posted by LSUdc on 2/3/24 at 3:09 pm
I used chatgpt with your text ... Was it right?

"It sounds like you might be describing "Crimsonland." It's a top-down shooter game with a dark atmosphere, and players can choose from different characters, upgrade weapons, and face hordes of enemies, some of which might have a zombie-like appeara

What do we do now that Saban is retired?

Posted by LSUdc on 1/12/24 at 2:35 pm
He lived rent free in our heads for 17 years. Who do we move in now?

re: Which one of you baws just got fired?

Posted by LSUdc on 12/21/23 at 10:27 pm
If you were fired, asked to leave, and weren't drunk, then why did you take an Uber to the clinic? Let them go ahead and call the cops on you.

re: Memories of Wisconsin

Posted by LSUdc on 12/19/23 at 11:48 pm
The melt after that game was one of the most epic in the history of TD...

re: Saban knows what is coming

Posted by LSUdc on 11/4/23 at 7:52 am

And it starts at the end of this [game].

Just this summer? Its fricking hot every summer.

Nope, only this summer.

Lighten up; it was a joke.

Stop. Blaming. Katrina. A bunch of that dump arse city scattered, which *should* have made things better, but it was an opportunity for (D)em to double down on stupid racist shite.

You obviously didn't take the time to read it before commenting. He didn't blame Katrina.

He said t
For those who saw the length of the post and didn't read it, you're missing out.

This is beautifully written and almost poetic. His comparison of Katrina almost killing the city overnight to the frog being slowly boiled alive is chilling.

I hope LSU wins by 1 run...

Posted by LSUdc on 6/26/23 at 8:13 am
I normally want them to put on a clinic against Florida, but I think it would be poetic for LSU to win the series by 2 total runs after yesterday...
Nah, I like having Florida as the orcs better.

re: Kentucky started a reliever

Posted by LSUdc on 4/13/23 at 11:02 pm
Paul tried to save pitchers in the world series championship games against Florida. It didn't work out that well for the team.