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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:7/25/2016
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I keep going back to Angela being a plant. That whole kitchen blow up scene just seemed so fake...I almost felt like I was watching WWE wrestling. Since she has been on so many other shows, it felt like she is being coached...and I know some of the producers may try and initiate some drama, but that...
[quote]Quinn actually seems OK[/quote] Yea, I wasn't expecting to like him...but I was very disappointed he spilled his guts to Angela about his secret power....
[quote]Why? Most love YouTube TV[/quote] Idk I guess it just doesn't flow smoothly. I hate that you can't delete shows once you've watched them. I've gotten used to it since we switched from Cox, but still just don't like it....
We have YouTube TV and I can't stand it. So I figured anything would be better....
[quote]TikTok creator Cosette Rinab[/quote] :rolleyes: This world is being taken over by "social media influencers". ETA: Got this from Dingo's Hamsterwatch and pretty much nails it. @Whitless256: So Ainsley is basically a vindictive robot lady who penalizes players for making smart game ch...
Why even waste freaking time voting, if they're going to do whatever they want anyways. Stupid. Sometimes BB annoys me and goes too over the top with the "twist" and "expect the unexpected"....

re: Big Brother Cast Released

Posted by LSUMaverick on 7/16/24 at 11:15 am
Angela Murray looks like she needs to speak a manager....

re: Are you ready for Shrek 5?

Posted by LSUMaverick on 7/11/24 at 10:35 am
I thought I had read Donkey was getting his own movie, but maybe this is it?...
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-YzCxEv92E)]LINK[/link] HORNS DOWN! ...
[quote]Seeing footage of all of those bodies sprawled out on the ground shook me up as a kid. The whole thing was creepy as hell.[/quote] [quote]And hearing the children crying in the background of the audio recording just fricks me up for awhile. I just can't even fathom murdering a child.[/quote...
Yes, came here to see if it was just me. I have YouTube tv, thought it might’ve been that. ...

re: A&M fans suck

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/16/24 at 3:53 pm
Pretty bad when even the police station is calling you out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that....

re: Which Aggie was that?

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/15/24 at 11:10 pm
[link=(https://x.com/travis_l_brown/status/1802188328659267941?s=46&t=e5rO0RqwG19TDGCnA1z9JQ)]Footage of fan from the stands[/link]...

re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/15/24 at 10:58 pm
[quote]Dude probably spent thousands of dollars to see them play (daddy’s money) and got kicked out in the second lol[/quote] Would be funny if he wasn’t allowed back in the rest of the CWS...

re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/15/24 at 10:56 pm
I’m surprised they showed that ...

re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/14/24 at 3:35 pm
I keep saying UNC's luck will run out...and then that throw from outfield happened. :banghead:...

re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by LSUMaverick on 6/14/24 at 1:19 pm
[quote]nb4 people bitch bout Eduardo. get over it, dorks. he's fine[/quote] He sounds like he has a dick in his mouth. I don't understand why he is used for the CWS. :banghead:...
Love when I click on a link spewing total bullshite like this...and shocking...its The Advocate. :lol:...