Former LSU wide receiver D.J. Chark was honored by his hometown of Alexandria, LA this week when he received the Key to the City from Mayor Jacques Roy.

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Chark is expected to be one of several LSU's players to selected in the NFL Draft this week.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Vernonbrew2282 months
Possibly our only true student athlete in the draft. Based on The Clapp going in late late round
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Clyde Tipton82 months
I wonder if that thing can open up Outlaws BBQ and Security Sporting Goods?
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LSU$$$82 months
DJ is a nice kid. I hope good things continue to come his way
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Honest Tune82 months
HOF career coming down the pipe for Chark Attack.
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TKLSUMD82 months
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Spankum82 months
Good for Chark! He came to LSU as an unheralded recruit and ended up building himself into a damn good receiver. He should be proud of himself, as CenLa is surely proud of him!
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OU81282 months
And then there is Monroe and their mayor, Democrat Jamie Mayo, giving the key to the city to Louis Farrakhan...pathetic and sad.
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bringit321082 months
That is truly sad and pathetic. Dumb, wrong, racist and just plain stupid of an American/ a person living in America/ so-called public servant to do. What a freakin douche.
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Spelt it rong82 months
He didn't even wear pants
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Winston Cup82 months
nice of him to get dressed up for the occasion
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beentop582 months
Was an event for the kids. He had no idea he was getting this award. Keep it up though.
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DigBick82 months
27th to the SAINTS
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ByUselves82 months
Always a great honor. Couldn't happen to a better person. Bet Tharold doesn't have one of those!
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Old82 months
Wonderful honor for you DJ!
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Buckwheat3582 months
What an honor....*cough*... Sorry, have a cold. My apologies.
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LSUnibrow82 months
He’s awesome, but I don’t think anyone wants the key to Alexandria unless they’re locking up and leaving.
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LaBR482 months
DJ Chark Thruway > MacArthur Dr
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LaBR482 months
Great honor and well deserved
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Jamohn82 months
Next move: take down Tharold Simon for control of the Eunice territory.
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beentop582 months
6 years ago. And you’re still on this???
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tenderfoot tigah82 months
King of Alexandria?
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El Campo Tiger82 months
He already had a key to the streets. You getting mad? He's getting rich.
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