Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
LSU's Brian Broussard posted this latest rendering of the South Endzone expansion on Twitter:

Updated view of @LSUTigerStadium SEZ expansion for @LSUfball Seats are now purple to match other premium areas.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Sam1132 months
Could fill what we had. Could we? I seem to remember a lot of empty seats this year. Well I guess it would fill mid first quarter until mid 3rd then empty again. Wasted money!
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Mie2cents133 months
Suh wheat! Please tell me we reached that 100K goal of seating. I hope it's not 99,935 or some bs like that.
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AndrewD133 months
ruins the character of the stadium... they couldn't keep it simple... added 5 tiers instead of 1 or 2, unsightly concrete boxes
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tigerbutt133 months
6 blocks at top May read tigers on the backside...???
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baobabtiger133 months
No way that's only 7k seats.
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Coonass133 months
looks great. should get LOUD.
user avatar
Coonass133 months
looks great. should get LOUD.
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LSUGoose133 months
They left on one small item. Two-thirds of those video boards will be used for ads for roughly 98% of the time. Why not just color in Coca-Cola, Cap One, McDonald's or Farm Bureau now?
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mooseknuckle133 months
I thought it would be bigger
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fightingtigers98133 months
Concession Stands. Either the architect fricked up, or they decided to do it that way.
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TopWaterTiger 133 months
Is the very top supposed to be Standing Room Only?

Yes RaginCajunKarl, those are TV's on the ends.
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TheCaterpillar133 months
Boxes on top are asymmetrical concession stands and bathroom along the walkway. Not sure why they did it this way, but it is what it is.

The best part about this addition is the change in acoustics in Tiger Stadium. The new upperdeck is directly across from the student section and band and act as an echo wall for those sound waves. It should make the loudest stadium in the country even louder by a significant margin, especially when considering the 7k more people and more tiger fans in the lower bowl (more visitors moved to upperdeck space).

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bherm1988133 months
"what are the random boxes at the top?"

The place where Les keeps opponents dreams when the game is over.
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ragincajunkarl133 months
Are those TV's at the ends?
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NorthshoreTiger76133 months
It will be loud until halftime
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Dr. Morgus133 months
what are the random boxes at the top?
user avatar
bherm1988133 months
Look's awesome, Tiger Stadium is going to be loud as hell.
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PurpNGold7133 months
It'll never be ready in time
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