Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
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Registered on:10/16/2011
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Except in the NFL where the four division winners are the top 4 seeds
The only thing you have to do is win.
Ole Miss would be in if they didn’t lose embarrassingly to Kentucky, who went 1-7 in SEC play.

Alabama would be in if they didn’t lose embarrassingly to Oklahoma, who went 2-6 in SEC play, and noted powerhouse Vanderbilt, who lost to the mighty Georgia State.

Stop brand watching and worry abo
Offensive line was horrendous in 2018 too. I think they were ranked like 112th or something in the nation that year.

People love to just say Joe Brady fixed the offense, but there was a massive amount of player development among the receivers, who couldn’t catch a cold the year prior, and the off
I can see Emery Jones coming back to play LT, Anderson( Daniels confirmed, West Weeks confirmed, Nuss, Zavion and maybe Mason Taylor?
Not sure what happens, but that team finishes as the 3 seed, who we beat anyway. The interesting part comes in whether or not Boogie/AD are enough of a matchup problem in a 7 game series to beat the Warriors or Houston.

I’d say no, solely because the 3-point shooting was lacking from a volume st

re: Ron Bots hate Susie Wiles

Posted by fightingtigers98 on 11/7/24 at 7:59 pm
Haven’t seen anything that clearly states it, but it appears DeSantis thought she was a mole and leaking stuff after he got elected.

re: Ron Bots hate Susie Wiles

Posted by fightingtigers98 on 11/7/24 at 7:49 pm
She ran DeSantis’ campaign in 2018 and then they had a pretty bad falling out.

And honestly, not sure why DeSantis would want a role in the administration. He’s better off finishing out his term as governor and then firing up his campaign after the midterms.
Landry did make a deal with Cleo, and Graves just made it easier to execute.

They could’ve beat the redistricting case if they wanted to.
Doesn’t seem like the kicker is problem for us. Seems like most of the blame lies with Roy and Todd
Stop being such a pussy. If you’re a legitimate team, you win these games anyway. And even, if you happen to lose, and you’re a legitimate team, you’ll still make the playoffs - Alabama last year, OSU 2014, etc.

They are losing these games because they aren’t good enough for a variety of reasons.

re: 8-9 and drafting 12. SMH.

Posted by fightingtigers98 on 8/10/24 at 9:44 pm
What about Brees throwing the ball in the dirt to Michael Thomas against the Rams allowing them to get the ball back? What about Brees completely sucking arse against the Vikings as a 14-point favorite the next year? What about Brees throwing 3 interceptions to the Bucs the following year?

Brees h
Both Davenport and Turner are immensely talented. Turner can’t stay healthy and Davenport hates football. Foskey, who knows.

Davenport was the best player on our defense in 2021, which is why everything was so disappointed with the way it ended.
Belmont’s basketball team is traditionally one of the better mid majors. I’m sure their facilities aren’t a problem.
Speech has been a bit of a dud. All of his sentences seem wildly disconnected from the previous.

He definitely seems personable, just kind of awkward