Thomas B. Shea-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU coach Les Miles has landed a gig acting an upcoming indie film production called Angry Men and will play the role of NASA employee named "Nelson," according to Bussiness Report:

The movie, according to its website, is about the 1986 space shuttle Challenger disaster and a prescient NASA engineer, who tried, unsuccessfully, to prevent the doomed shuttle from taking off.

Miles doesn’t play that engineer, but he does play a NASA employee known as Nelson. The film’s website doesn’t describe Nelson’s character.

The film is currently being filmed in San Antonio, Texas, and is scheduled to be released midyear.
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Filed Under: LSU Football
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dsides85 months
He’ll be investing in Apple and playing ping pong at an international level before you know it
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LSUvet7285 months
Next film has him playing role of cow eating grass at Bryant Field in Tuscaloosa for GEICO commercial
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1985 months
Les taking the O'Keefe route to LSU Chancellor?
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1985 months
Les will need all of 2 takes: plucking and eating Cape grass and laying down the Seal Clap at take-off from Mission Control.
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eddieray85 months
Quite the thespian that Les.
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TheBigHurt85 months
Does this subtract from the buyout?
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bah humbug85 months
Wasn’t Nelson the name of the engineer responsible for the Challenger o-ring deterioration timing controls post launch?
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ByUselves85 months
Does this let LSU off the hook for a small portion of his buy out?
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alumni9585 months
Acting is not exactly rocket surgery... ok, maybe in this case.
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AustinKnight85 months
Rocket Science
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Winston Cup85 months
i dont believe les could play a nasa employee
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Lsu10120585 months
I sincerely hope Les never coaches again so that I can always remember him as the lovable coach of my Tigers. I dont want that memory tainted. He won a national .hampionship wearing the purple and gold. And takeaway the championship game the 2011 season was one of the most fun times as a Tiger fan.
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Drizzt85 months
That’s a big take away. That night killed LSU football.
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luciouslou85 months
Dude has is made
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JackieTreehorn85 months
Those other bastards don't have the chest to play a NASA employee
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BatonRougeBuckeye85 months
Acted like he was going to update the offense. Plenty of acting experience.
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WisconsinTiger8585 months
Has the “want” to work on films with a quality group of men.
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PortHudsonPlaya85 months
Good to see Les enjoying life!
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