Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The LSU Athletic Department, head coach Ed Orgeron, and athletic director Joe Alleva all released the following statements on the NCAA’s decision to uphold the ban on cornerback Kristian Fulton.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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El Campo Tiger78 months
I’m so upset, I'm boycotting the Southeastern game.
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Air_Raid778 months
Why are you LSU fans so OBSESSED with Bama? Your player had a NCAA violation, not an Institution violation. I feel bad for the player, but he did something that he wasn't suppose to do.
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Vernonbrew2278 months
Sadly, I agree with you. LSU just can’t get past the Nick boogie man. Perhaps this could be the year or maybe they can upset UGA. Would take major efforts and fortune
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El Campo Tiger78 months
We don’t have proven running backs. This is not the year we upset Bama.
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udtiger78 months
They should have said they'd release him to go to Bama. That would certainly have swayed the decision.
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southsidedell78 months
This kid has a two year ban? For weed? How did this happen? Its weed! There's dudes with guns and dudes that beat women that get lesser penalties than this! What's goin on here?
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Old78 months
The NCAA and SEC are ORKS
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Bigtigah78 months
This should be us vs. the world attitude for this team this season
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Placebeaux78 months
Man Mark Emmert has a hard-on for LSU yet he gives his buddy a pass.
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Barbellthor78 months
So, uh. Can we appeal the appeal denial?
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DaleGribblesMower78 months
Alabama guns and drugs no problem though. Scumbags
user avatar
Alabama wins yet again. Hooray.
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JackieTreehorn78 months
Red Elephant Club strikes again
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1978 months
You're better than that, Jackie
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Tiger198878 months
He TRIED TO CHEAT. THEREFORE HE CHEATED. The penalty for the infraction was clearly defined. Serve your time and keep your shite off the streets.
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AustinKnight78 months
You’re an arse
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voodooidotwo78 months
Even people sentenced to jail time get parole. Sometimes even a suspended sentence. This kid gets nothing.
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El Campo Tiger78 months
If he is Casi Davis’s arse, then that’s a nice arse.
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Freddy23878 months
If it was Alabama the kid would have been back off suspension. Probably wouldn't even be suspended at all. frick the NCAA
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1978 months
I hate to say this, but let this be a lesson to all compliance assholes, I mean, officers, everywhere.
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VerbalKint78 months
frick the NCAA.
user avatar
Man they have some ignorant people on this board ! The scary part is that they are all around us in this world .......
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AustinKnight78 months
frickin nonsense and no pull based on no credentials and being a retard AD
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Azkiger78 months
LSU needs to follow Urban's protocol, offer to voluntarily suspend Fulton for one half of one game and that should do the trick. Surely cheating on a drug test is no worse than attempting to eye-gouge a defenseless player in a dog pile and that's all Urban did after one of his players was shown to have done the former...
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DlineU78 months
Alleva should just stay away from anything we need to win at!
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STRIPES78 months
How the hell is Aleva responsible for this? That is just stupid.
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DlineU78 months
Not saying that he is responsible, but he sure as hell seems to be bad luck lol. I just don't think people really respect him. Maybe as a person but not as an A.D.
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Im4LSUnTN78 months
Why do “fans” like you become irrational. No causation toward Alleva. I appreciate he stood up for a player.
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tenderfoot tigah78 months
Play him regardless. We have nothing to lose.
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