Andrew Innerarity-USA TODAY Sports
Jarvis Landry's girlfriend released a statement on Monday to dispute any reports that the former LSU and current Miami Dolphins wide receiver harmed her during an argument between the two last year.

Here was her statement:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Sweet daddy90 months
That's what happens when you have ten people living with you my advice to Jarvis clean house get rid of the excess crew .
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Spankum90 months
looks like this turned out just that put this out is made to look like asses and Jarvis and Jarvis and babymomma have hopefully learned to keep their shite private and civilized.
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TigerSpray90 months
Time to riot for JL. Damn character assassination by a nosy, dyke wanting his girl for herself.
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IndianInBR90 months
No Instagram pics of said girlfriend???
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BayouBengal9990 months
This shite should be taken down immediately and a freakn apology is in order or I would SUE the ever living crap out of that news organization for not doing their investigative research before putting out such defaming article. This kind of crap needs to stop so it them where it hurts, the pocket books! How easy would it have been to make a few phone calls and have this debunked before putting it out. Now you're a zero not the hero idiot. Should be fired and reporting certification or what ever it is taken from him affective immediately. Frick these clowns!!
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LoveThatMoney90 months
Libel is the word you are looking for and I'm sure Juice's attorneys are all over it.
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Rakim90 months
Not guilty... We got a DA and Local Prosecutors trying to make a name for themselves. #ForeverLSU #NoSnitching
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Grit-Eating Shin90 months
Damn. She sounds like a keeper!
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The Pirate King90 months
Witch hunt
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ForeverLSU0290 months
I hope Jarvis doesn't get railroaded like that USC kicker
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TigerFanatic9990 months
He's lucky as frick he's not in college and subject to title IX rules.
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bradwieser90 months
Justice for Juice!
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pellietigersaint90 months
yet his name has already been drug through the mud. frick off millennial social media whores with your twitter news breaks.
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DaleGribblesMower90 months
The American media, even the sports media, is an absolute disgrace
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GumboDave90 months
Except for Tiger Droppings.
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