Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
It might be time for Leonard Fournette to pay up after losing a friendly wagger with Jamal Adams.

According to some tweets from Wednesday, if Adams intercepted a pass from quarterback Brandon Harris at practice on Thursday, Fournette said he would do 100 pushups and buy him a steak.

From looks of this tweet below, it might be time for Fournette to pay up...

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Here were the original tweets from Wednesday:

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While this all could be a complete joke between a few teammates, a little off-season fun never hurt anyone so were going along with it.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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NASA_ISS_Tiger102 months
To quote a well known player. "Practice...we're talking about Practice?" Do it in a game where the bets REALLY matter. And someone please make it worthwhile for the QB NOT to throw Pick 6s.
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GeeOH102 months
Knowing Adams would jump a route and he throws a pick 6? Oh boy
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baobabtiger102 months
I was hoping that 7 would win.
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SoulGlo102 months
Damn. Picks already.
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GeauxPack81102 months
Thanks for the update TD Staff Reporter, I was thinking about this all night. I can finally go to sleep.
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bicroundstic2008662102 months
Why is there a picture of Adams and Williams?
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themunch102 months
Pick 6 omg
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LetGeauxMyEggo102 months
I was cheering for no picks but chock it up to Arandas D
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Barbellthor102 months
Oh, no. No no no no no. There's none of that optimism here, friend hahaha.
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