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Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:261
Registered on:2/20/2016
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agreed I'm just a spidy fan who wants to see carnage on the big screen
U think cat women is a better villain than any of those three I just named?
I can't believe a spidy villain isn't on the list outside of kingpin.... Venom, carnage, doc ock???
It's hard to become invested in villains when they are damn near invincible and the only villains that the marvel guys can fight have to be that way.... That's why batman villains do so well they are normal people that can be related to
Give her a can of mace, a taser, and a life alert necklace she'll be fine
That fossil has been through it all
Yep cause you know my life story.... Fricking bum I got enough money to buy ya house and burn it to the ground
It's crazy how close Malaysia and Singapore are geographically and one is amazing and the other is arse
Mine is Singapore unbelievable space in business you can lay completely horizontal
Perfect I'm 8.... Nice chatting but I'm done for the day see u tomorrow
CPR haha yea that was really gonna help she just had 4 holes in her lungs nothing major
So you would want them to mow down ur mother if she was carrying the knife
Hahaha his daughter is prolly 30 cause only people who are over 60 think they are Gandalf the mighty wise one
Maybe that's my goal... Doesn't seem to be working though cause I'm getting plenty of responses
shite with all this training these punk arse cops get I don't see why he couldn't have just shoot the clever out of her hand
Lmao I love getting on these boards with you old grumpy motha frickers makes my day
I'm acquiring my education as we speak nice joke though