Chris Humphreys-USA TODAY Sports
Former LSU and current San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid explained why he chose to take a knee, along with quarterback Colin Kaepernick, during the National Anthem on Thursday night.

Here is what he said. Per


“He is taking advantage of the platform that he’s given to bring awareness to a worthy cause,” Reid said. “What’s more American than that?”

This time, Kaepernick didn’t retreat to the bench, but took a knee near the sideline, and Reid took a knee next to him.

“It’s something that’s been on my mind all week and after talking to Colin many times, I talked to him today before the game,” Reid said. “People thought it was disrespectful for him to sit down. He was able to decide, ‘What if we took a knee instead of sitting?’

“And that came off as more respectful to the country, to the anthem, to the military. And I agree with that. It shows that he hears that people were hurt by him sitting, but he still believes in the cause that he wants to bring awareness to. So he changed his physical position from sitting down to take a knee to still show respect.”

“I don’t personally feel oppressed, but there are things that have happened in this country that have touched very close to home for me — the situation in Louisiana,” Reid said. “I grew up around that. But this is a responsibility that he feels and a responsibility that I feel as well. It’s bigger than football.”
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rileytiger96 months
Your right to sit and my right to call you a dumb piece of crap. Go move somewhere else.
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LsuNav96 months
What is the big deal here? These guys have the right to express themselves. They are standing up for something, misguided or not. How many of people do you know that go against the flow to combat a wrong?
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Vernonbrew2296 months
I am an Afro Americanno man in my fifties and I scourge gonzos like this. This country has more opportunities for all those who decide to take em. Mark these two off my prayer list.
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GI_BOE96 months
wont ever watch him either
user avatar
Mulerider96 months
When people say they are oppressed, who exactly is the oppressor? The government whose President and Attorney General are black and run the Department of Justice? These oppressed groups alway generalize. Who is oppressing? What law has been passed that oppresses? What government or non-government group's agenda is to oppress? If this country is oppressive, what country should we model ourselves after that is less oppressive?
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
I wish the Po Po could keep track of the ingrates for the times when their cousins are robbing them or Their addictions become known publicly. They could just show up and drive off to the nearest doughnut shop
user avatar
LsuNav96 months
Aren't you generalizing as well? Spend a couple hundred years terrorizing and dehumanizing people and then say let's forget all that now just go out and be successful. It isn't very easy to do or these problems would be gone. The US is the best this world has to offer but we can still get better.
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
I take back everything I said offensive to whites yesterday. I just had my buz on yo. We gave yet to achieve greatness. Brandon will lead this ship right
user avatar
Storm Warning96 months
Now, there are two NFL players who can kiss my @$$.
user avatar
Kcrad96 months
Screw him and PepperDick
user avatar
08trey02396 months
Are we wearing helmet stickers honoring the assassinated Baton Rouge Police Officers? No. CLASSLESS.
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deuce98596 months
Reid always struck me as an intelligent guy when he was at LSU. Now I want nothing to do with him anymore and I dislike him. Both he and Kaep are hypocrites. I'm ashamed he represents LSU now.
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75503Tiger96 months
Pat Tillman RIP A true NFL hero
user avatar
kjanchild96 months
When this prick was making money in endorsements and starting in the NFL he didn't have a problem with anything. Now, so he can get attention back on himself, he wants to all of a sudden stand for what's right. bullshite! All he wants is his job back and all the attention that came with it!
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DieHeartTigah96 months
I never seen so many hypocrites in my life. So much for freedom of speech. But that's America for ya. "It's so disrespectful to our veterans" the very ones that are backing him right? Lol learn your facts before making idiotic statements thus making yourselves look really dumb. Shout to Kap and Reid for standing up what's right.
user avatar
08trey02396 months
This veteran isn't backing him. I lost friends and fellow countrymen (who ACTUALLY showed courage by putting their lives on the line) whilst you sit on your arse in a living room passing judgement, frick you. Yes, it is the first Amendment, but this is MY country, OUR country; if you don't like it, go somewhere else. Sincerely, Chief Warrant Officer 2, United States Navy, Retired.
user avatar
Storm Warning96 months
And the criticism of players is the right of fans in exercising their freedom of speech. You are the hypocrite.
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
Black powder. I mean power
user avatar
Breesus96 months
the situation in Louisiana,” Reid said. “I grew up around that. But this is a responsibility that he feels and a responsibility that I feel as well. It’s bigger than football.” 1. Which situation is that? 2. How much time and money does Reid donate to the inner city youth in his hometown?
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Kcrad96 months
Breesus, screw both of them. It's their right, but it's my right to criticize them as well.
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
user avatar
omegaman6696 months
So a policeman shooting in self defense is now oppression! The numbers just don't support the accusation either. Black cops are three times more likely to shoot than a white cop when put in a perceived risky situation with a black man.
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Midget Death Squad96 months
Kap disrespects the flag, the country, its citizens and all the soldiers who have fight for and died for his right to be a dipshit. Kap's PR rep realizes the severity of the situation and instigates damage control. Kap now "kneeling" and talking a fake game that seems to be working on some. bullshite meter buried
user avatar
Giantkiller96 months
frick him. Hanger-on bitch.
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
Yes indeed
user avatar
blueboy96 months
CK sucks and is on his way out, so he's using this for self-marketing. Plain and simple. Today's PR agents are the worst human beings in the world. Sex tapes. Advising people to act like clowns. You name it. Think Kris Jenner, but with less scruples. That's all this is. Cut his worthless arse FOR NOT BEING A GOOD QB, and forget him. He can whine all he likes.
user avatar
udtiger96 months
Thought. Process. Interdasting
user avatar
thefreediealone96 months
he prolly was threatened by humperdink not to service him again! I am sorry I ever pulled for any team this whole ever played for!
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IndianInBR96 months
Oppressed my arse....if the cops dont kill them, their own brethren will find a way to do it....
user avatar
Vernonbrew2296 months
They dream to rob rape and destroy
user avatar
LsuNav96 months
Hate is still alive in BR.
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