Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The crew of SEC writer over at ESPN released their predictions for the LSU-Ole Miss game on Saturday night in Tiger Stadium.

All of them picked LSU to win, but think it will be a close game based on their score predictions.

Ole Miss at LSU - 8pm CT on ESPN:

Edward Aschoff LSU wins 27-24
David Ching LSU wins 31-24
Sam Khan Jr. LSU wins 30-27
Greg Ostendorf LSU wins 31-28
Alex Scarborough LSU wins 28-27
What's your prediction?
Filed Under: LSU Football
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LSUYelleauxBoi95 months
and a team still hasn't scored over 21 on Aranda's D!!! ooouuweeeee! Handsharks put up 40 on bama...
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BayouBengal9995 months
Hey 1 call you do realize we have a different coach now right? With that coach we have scored as many points in 2 games that we have all year with the other coach and the competition wasn't that much stronger. Oh how I love that people still think this is the same ole LSU as when Miles was here!!! Love it and I hope OM believes the same thing as well. If they do they will be punched in the mouth and rocked by this atmosphere bc I just sense that this game will be special!! Sort of like a coming out party. GT
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rob6295 months
LSU will spank that Ole Miss arse.
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foshizzle95 months
Everyone predicted LSU to beat Wisconsin and Auburn too.
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reginaphilange95 months
I personally think we'll win, but I hate when everyone else predicts we're going to win. I realize that doesn't make a lot of sense.
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1 Call95 months
Everyone picks Alabama to win. They appear to be doing fine!
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TexasSinger95 months
42-17. Lock it up!!!
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LSU fan 24695 months
58-0. Coach O gets the job at halftime
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Uncle Joe95 months
38-20 lsu
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BayouFann95 months
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K2LAW95 months
Good call!
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El Campo Tiger95 months
LSU wins 27-24 LINK
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YellaPurp95 months
Is it bad that i do not know any of these writers?
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