Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
During his weekly radio show on Wednesday night at TJ Ribs, head coach Ed Orgeron provided a quick injury update on starting defensive ends Rashard Lawrence and Glen Logan.

Orgeron said that Lawrence could be back by the open date which is next week and Logan maybe could return for the Florida game on October 12, but both "are a ways away.”

Lawrence and Logan left the Texas game on September 7 with injuries and have not practiced or played since.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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SwampBandit65 months
Id let them both rest till the florida game myself, as injury prone as lawrence is the last thing we need is him to come back for Utah State and get hurt again before a key matchup
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Seaux_cal_tiger65 months
When was the last time Rashard was healthy? Seems like he has had a lingering injury since he has been at LSU.
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Gnash65 months
But but Texas said we were faking injuries
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wesman2165 months
My first thought too. That game was hot as hell.
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LSU-DUDE65 months
RL always hurt!
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MarineVet65 months
Starting to wonder about our off season conditioning, especially with the Lines. Every year our roster is torn apart by injuries that doesn't seem as common in other programs. Crazy that one game (Texas) took so many of our players out.
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LSUFreek65 months
When I saw Logan fall backwards on the ground with his left foot parallel to his butt, I thought for sure it was an ACL. Kind of got lucky we get him back so soon.
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Big Sway65 months
Vicious double teams with pile moving down on you can frick you up. That's football,reckless abandon.
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GeauxGutsy65 months
LSU has the worst luck with injuries
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olgoi khorkhoi65 months
Coincidence, I’m sure, but since Ed took over, out lines are made of glass.
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SuperFanDan65 months
Jeez....and here I was thinking both would 100% play against Utah St.
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TheCaterpillar65 months
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ApexTiger65 months
what are the injuries? foot?
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eddieray65 months
I don’t know. It seems to be top secret
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Rougaroux65 months
Penis injuries. All the pussy they got after the texas game
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