Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The LSU-Auburn game on Saturday night will likely be the first time that Tiger Stadium is packed full of purple & gold since the 2019 season.

The late kickoff at 8 pm CT will provide LSU fans plenty of time to tailgate around campus as they get ready for a noisy night in Death Valley.

On Monday, head coach Ed Orgeron talked about how excited he is for the atmosphere on Saturday and jokingly encouraged fans to pace themselves throughout the day...

"The Tiger Walk for the last home games gave us a spurt of energy," Orgeron said. "The student section, when we walked into the stadium, it's full right there and that gave us a spurt of energy too."

"I can just imagine LSU-Auburn on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. I know our fans are going to get up early and I encourage them to get up early but remember it's a long day so they have to pace themselves."

"But I love our fans and I just cant wait to see them Saturday night. I know it's going to be full and I know it's going to be loud."
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Filed Under: LSU Football
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ESKFreedom40 months
Nope, not gonna do it 'till you drop the stupid vaccine mandates and woke politics.....
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Tiger198840 months
Did he mention anything about retiring at the end of the season?
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ByUselves40 months
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Murray40 months
You can pace muh DICK!
user avatar
You would like that huh?
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TigerOnTheMountain40 months
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We’ve been doing Saturday night games in Tiger Stadium a long time. We know what we are doing, but thanks for the unsolicited advice. I am sure everyone will heed it.
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hfournet19540 months
Just change your name to Karen good lord
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CanebreakCajun40 months
What a chode. I am sure 50 year old dudes get it. I don't think that message was for you. It was for the 20,000, 19 year old in the student section who are need to slow down on the white claws.
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I can't remember the last time they've played an 8 o'clock start time.
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Norbert40 months
Pace ourselves (wink wink). Sure we will, Ed.
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LSUTheodore40 months
Let’s geaux!!!!
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SECdragonmaster40 months
Auburn needs to show in powder sissy blue jerseys. Will cause Coach O to have PTSD and maybe we can reverse the jinx.
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Robber DeNiro40 months
If everybody come out and support, you gotta win.
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RightWingTiger40 months
I’m sure He plans on winning it. But He also planned on beating UCLA & that didn’t turn out well.
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