Here's a look at Derrius Guice's tweet after news came out that he will miss the 2018 season with an ACL injury.

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The former LSU star suffered the injury in his NFL debut at the end of a 34-yard run that was called back because of a holding penalty.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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SwampBandit78 months
Sending prayers.... You will make a strong comeback!!
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AlbertMeansWell78 months
Best wishes on your recovery. ACL surgery has come along way. He’ll be back better than ever
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eugene1928LSU78 months
Head high You great Tiger, you'll be running sprints in 4 months and stronger than ever next summer. Tiger Strong
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Camos981278 months
You will bounce back my bro.....Faith will pull you through
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reo4578 months
This sucks. Very sorry Guice for this unfortunate mishap. Sad. You overcame a lot in life already and will do so here also. For you it is just a hiccup.
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vodkacop78 months
Good luck young man. God speed
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Freddy23878 months
Stay strong Guice. We know you will bounce back stronger than ever. You was the only reason I followed the Redskins this year. God bless you
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ClientNumber978 months
You WERE. You WERE the only reason...
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Jimmy2shoes78 months
GD thats a bad deal
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Camos981278 months
You will bounce back my bro.....Faith will pull you through
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tigerbutt78 months
Video is on YouTube LINK
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BestBanker78 months
The Westbank wishes you the best in recovery! (Can you remember this when you are all healed up because the Westbank cares for you, unlike the Eastbank? They just angry all the time.) HEAL QUICK BRAH! IT'S ALL GOOD!
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tygersgm78 months
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abitaman636378 months
"God never makes mistakes" 1. Alleva to LSU 2. 1/9/12 3. K-Pop 4. Taco Bell's Cap'n Crunch Delights 5. ...
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d278 months
Pretty sure all those horible ideas came from the devil haha
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mr bunion78 months
5. abitaman6363
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eugene1928LSU78 months
agree with mr bunion
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lsuohiofan78 months
That is probably the end of his NFL career! I hope not, but rookie with a knee injury.
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pellietigersaint78 months
Are you fricking high? He tore his ACL he didn't get paralyzed. Hit me back. In for training camp next year. Geez
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LSU FSU Grad78 months
Are people really this dumb? We're officially devolving.
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TigerStripes0678 months
You realize he has a fricking contract right? You’d think I’d get used to this dumb shite but every now and then someone is actually dumb enough to shock me.
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