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Registered on:9/26/2006
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They'll be on ventilators by next week.

No they won’t, because there aren’t enough of them!


If you don't have any essential function or can't maintain social distancing, you need to stay home

Does that mean she’ll be staying home?
Why is a Korean upset about it being called Chinese?
I bet they are glad they have an excuse for not doing their jobs now.
So people will go to work, stores will remain open. So.....nothing will change except he’s going to make it sound that way so people proceed to lose their god damn minds. Right? Right.
You will never meet a dude with an AR who doesn’t think his is better than yours.
If it’s real, it’s super shitty. Either way, lawyers are about to be doing nothing outside of their office anyway.
That’s pretty awful man....hopefully something can get worked out to where at the least he doesn’t have to die alone. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Yeah, you’re not wrong there. frick THAT LIBERTY bullshite!


Once we mass test a huge number of people and the death rate fall, people will calm a bit. Also, people will come to realize that supply chains aren't stopping, so the runs on groceries will stop.

Agreed. Just because they determine a larger amount of people have it,

She does pron. She’s huge into anal. She’s a real nasty freak. Just my type.

You just know that a chick that takes a milk bath and eats the fruit loops straight out of the tub LOVES it in the butt.
And we’ve played almost every game the exact same way since.

re: Babes of LinkedIn - NSFW

Posted by TigerStripes06 on 3/19/20 at 8:17 pm
Her nipples must look like those googly eyes people attach to things.

There's no 75% penalty. The $538 refund is for the 25% remaining of the academic calendar from 3/18 onward

I was wondering when someone in this thread would have a brain in their head.
China didn’t stop anything. They are liars :lol:

Im sure what he means is that louisiana is still in the process of ramping up testing...so we will get alot more cases, and until we ramp up testing to the max, we wont know if the curve is flattening

And that’s fair. But like I said yesterday, just because people haven’t tested po

he said it's going to get worse before it gets better

It is impossible to be more vague than that. That means absolutely nothing to me. Will one more person die before it gets better? Two? Three?
That’s his official LA.gov PFG shirt.
It’s really annoying that people are locked down all over the world and these motherfrickers are doubling down on hurt feelings. No one cares. No one. frick your feelings.