Ian Jackson, a four-star linebacker from Prattville, Alabama announced his top 10 schools on Thursday, which included LSU.

His top schools are Nebraska, Georgia, Oklahoma, Florida State, Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Tennessee, Louisville, and Texas A&M.

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Jackson, a 6-1, 208-pound prospect from Prattville High School is rated the No. 19 outside linebacker in the country and the No. 9 overall player from Alabama for the class of 2021, according to 247 Sports.
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NPComb59 months
print the tshirts
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Barstools59 months
TulaneLSU did it better.
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Shalimar Sid59 months
I should post my top 10 toilet papers
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ByUselves59 months
He wasted 10 toes, why didnt he do a "way too early top 20"?
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Philzilla2k59 months
No shite
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Big Sway59 months
Let me know when he signs....
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rob6259 months
Top 10? Lol.
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Lsu10120559 months
This is the best/only sports news I have heard all day!
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CP3LSU2559 months
I hate these kids
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saint tiger22559 months
Don't blame the kids, they're just doing what kids will do. Blame the idiots that report on stuff like a top 10. Otherwise, you wouldn't really hear about these things most of the time unless you sought it out.
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BM202058 months
Media wanted this attention. Every kid does it so move on
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Stingy59 months
Top 10? Why not announce all of your offers? When will these premadonnas get it?
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saint tiger22559 months
Probably whenever you get to spelling properly.
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BM202058 months
Clearly he has offers 20+ schools. The kid just wants to focus on schools he's interested in.
user avatar
Top 10. What an idiot.
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BM202058 months
I'm sure your mom picked a top 10 list of guys before she had you
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Tigerpride1859 months
Hard up for stories
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