Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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lsuhou7431 months
Sweet stroke! Damn this team could be realllly good!!!
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Mr Cell Phone31 months
Outstanding young man good for you. May you have many more.You Pucker up and you kissed that baby good bye.
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SelaTiger31 months
That a Delgado baw right there.
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ThatTahoeOverThere31 months
The Stony Brook of the South.
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Dominus515031 months
The original travel ball name!
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Kreg Jennings31 months
Absolutely. “Hi, my name is Brayden and I’m from Slidell” Of course it is.
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YMCA31 months
Like they said on the ESPN broadcast, this is a name that no one had down for the first hit and first HR of the year and he got them both. Not too bad for someone who wasn’t in the original lineup for tonight.
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