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Registered on:8/20/2007
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Don’t debate. Nothing to gain and everything to lose. ...
The Oval Office should be used for addresses like a response to 9/11, capture of the head of ISIS, major Covid update, etc. Also all this talk of “a threat to democracy” sitting behind the resolute desk is an oxymoron as he threatens a political opponent. IE, threatens the very process of democr...
You tell ‘em Phil… [link=(https://youtu.be/YqtIKg1uZNY?si=fKi910KfXq6p4Of3)]Phil Robertson - Nope[/link]...
[quote]If he met up in Ohio with someone, could be JD Vance as well.[/quote] Like I said…....
[quote]Kamala is not going to get nomination so forget her VP pick[/quote] Huh? Ban bet says she does ...
This is the Trump we haven’t seen yet in the ‘24 election. Which is why he’s doing so well. People don’t like this version of Trump. It turns them off. ...

re: Candidates for EBR Mayor Race

Posted by Kreg Jennings on 7/19/24 at 10:47 pm
[quote]Emile “Sid” Edwards, Republican [/quote] Someone got an envelope full of cash to get in the race to try and take some of the white vote away from Ted James…....
A…find a good advisor and keep working so you don’t have to touch the $$ and let it compound. Some advisors are d bags…but not 100% of them. What area are you from?...

re: Ron Desantis for AG please

Posted by Kreg Jennings on 7/16/24 at 11:53 pm
[quote]Fat Bastard[/quote] [quote]Clay Higgins[/quote] I could see how the two of you would get along….....
[quote]they want Trump to act like old Trump so voters will go back to Biden.. Bait[/quote] Seems obvious to me ...
[quote]Have to say, I'd vote for Dimon over Trump.[/quote] Same. ...

re: Kamala take over now?

Posted by Kreg Jennings on 7/3/24 at 5:21 am
I swear, some of you drama queens can’t get enough of these hypothetical scenarios. ...
[quote]I read that Max Himmel (appointed to new City of SG Council) promised NO NEW TAXES for City of SG. I like this guy already. Just saying. He seems like my kind of guy to run a new city.[/quote] Hi Max ...
[quote]At worst, they won't vote for President, or will vote for a 3rd party. They're never voting for Trump. *ETA: this isn't just LA. This is TX, LA, MS, AL, and FL. [/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/8fe19645-8051-4b31-879d-298dfb26a05a_text.gif[/img] More folks will silently vote for Trump ...

re: Updated composite betting odds

Posted by Kreg Jennings on 6/28/24 at 7:00 am
[quote]This poster has been trouble from day one.[/quote] So, only people who agree with you are allowed to post here? Like some sort of virtual rally? ...
If he met up in Ohio with someone, could be JD Vance as well....
[link=(https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/FBI-video-shows-casino-cash-3069578.php)]LINK[/link] [quote]In videotape presented by the prosecution Wednesday, a Baton Rouge politician is seen receiving a wad of cash. The person giving the cash cannot be seen in the videotape, but Edwards' voice is h...
Ahhhh yes…the audio conveniently cut out during the exchange of money where Cleo stuffed it in his boot. When asked what was the reason for the exchange…”an old gambling debt”. ...
[quote]It's going to be Rubio[/quote] Couldn’t get that lucky. Gets the establishment vote out and helps with Hispanics. ...
Forgot about Erick Erickson. La lege needs to be held accountable for a lazy session and not having a spine to stand up to Landry about vetoing good, bipartisan legislation that would help La citizens. They let him get away with choosing personal gain over the greater good. ...