Bruce Thorson-USA TODAY Sports
LSU head coach Paul Mainieri met with the media on Thursday afternoon for a season wrap-up press conference.

Mainieri announced that freshman right-handed pitcher Riggs Threadgill is expected to transfer, joining Brock Mathis and Will Ripoll who are also leaving the program this offseason.

He added that expects juniors Zack Hess, Todd Peterson, Zach Watson, and Josh Smith to sign professionally but expects Saul Garza to return for the 2020 season.

Here's everything he said:

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Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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GeauxsomeMeaux68 months
Lsu lost 3 of its best pitchers for the “entire” year, and lost 3 more of their best pitchers for “most” of the year! Take away the top 6 pitchers from ANY program and see if they come as close to the CWS as the Tigers did!!! This was simply a strange rash of injuries. Considering the situation, the Tigers did very well! No one would have done any better!
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rob6268 months
CPM is a damn joke. He is going through the motions in order to collect his million dollar salary from LSU. Absolutely nothing is changing because CPM is in this for himself and himself only. He is a damn fraud and needs to be fired and all you CPM supporters are kidding yourselves if you think for 1 damn minute that CPM is going to even equal this year's "accomplishments" in 2020. Not going to happen. It will be the same old shite next year and you CPM lovers will be saying "but Paul won a natty in 2009" and "Paul got beat by UF and finished #2 in 2017". One more year and nothing is different. Just watching the decline of LSU Baseball. You CPM supporters are like a frog in a pot of water. You don't react when the water gets hotter and hotter until it is boiling you to death.
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PortHudsonPlaya68 months
Short Timer!!!!!!!
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NFLU68 months
He’s such a loser
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TaderSalad68 months
Give him one full season under Woodward, then let Woodward evaluate him. After all, that is why we're paying Woodward.
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Godfather168 months
At this point, I just don’t even care any more. I’ve been going to games at The Box (Old and new) for 35 years, a season ticket holder for a large part of that. But it’s the same old song-and-dance routine every year and nothing changes. My passion for LSU baseball has died a slow death.
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geauxruston68 months
“Mainieri said he doesn’t anticipate any coaching changes this offseason.” PM is slowly turning into Miles, and we know how that ended.
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GWfool68 months
No coaching changes...keeping the same yes men
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FlyinTiger9368 months
Coach O to Mainieri on Mo playing both sports: "Fooball pays the bills, Baw. He comes to you, when I am finished wit him."
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geauxtigahs8768 months
"Teams of destiny" lol. Stoney Brook got fricking slautered and FSU will lose as soon as they play a team that knows how to efficiently run the base paths.
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LSU FSU Grad68 months
Ummm, I know for some it's a rush to slam Mainieri and/or anything LSU, but he was talking about the teams in the past that LSU has lost to being teams of destiny (teams that went on to big things). But please, do rant on.
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RightWingTiger68 months
Sorry Grad but FSU, Stoney Brook & Coastal Carolina are the so called "Teams of Destiny" CPM is talking about. Tigers87 is 100?% correct, CC & SB were both 2 & thru in Omaha, so not sure what ur talking about?
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RyneFrisco68 months
@RightWingTiger Coastal Carolina won the CWS that year idiot
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easy money68 months
So 5 pitchers will not pitch at all during the Summer...hopefully all come back healthy.
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rob6268 months
If they come back healthy CLM will see to it they don't stay that way.
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