High School Football Ref Shot in Face By Cannon In Maine at Maine Maritime Academy
Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports
Scary situation in Maine last Saturday when a referee working a high school football game at Maine Maritime Academy was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries after he was hit in the head with a cannon blast after a score...

(The Big Lead)
user avatar
maine coming for florida for trashiest state
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ncinthenext364 months
Beto's coming for that cannon.
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TDFreak64 months
That cannon toting alum is still bitter over that blown call in the ‘78 state champs versus Bangor, I see.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy64 months
I don’t know how that news reporter held it together when he said “the ref got shot in the face by that other man’s wad”
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C3W65 months
Was it loaded?
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FaCubeItches65 months
Enh, that random soldier in "The Patriot" did it better.
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Jaydeaux65 months
Not as serious as the wwl guy being hated on for being gay
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JustinT3764 months
He hated on himself and blames WWL for 1.8 million.
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CHEDBALLZ65 months
Wrong Ref! Saints Fans
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Alltheway Tigers!65 months
Hmmmm...not a high school.
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SG_Geaux65 months
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Teddy Ruxpin64 months
Come and Take It
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LSUbest64 months
Gonzales, Texas Come and get it!
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Trumansfangs65 months
" Hell yes, we're going to take your cannons!"
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Tiger124265 months
Now THAT, is Maine justice
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JackieTreehorn65 months
Were there blind people operating the cannon?
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