Gunshots Fired In Neighborhood Near Alabama High School Game, Players All Hit The Ground
Jeff Hanisch-USA TODAY Sports
Scary scene during the Center Point v. Mortimer-Jordan game in Alabama on Friday night...

The sound of apparent rapid gunfire or something that sounded similar could be heard on the video.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office originally told ABC 33/40 that gunshots did not come from inside the stadium or involve the stadium, but instead came from the nearby neighborhood or the woods.

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(Busted Coverage)
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Bandits5865 months
Welcome to the downfall Of America
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Vernonbrew2265 months
Wished it had hit Nicky in the hip
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auzach9165 months
Get lost
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Vernonbrew2265 months
Wished it had hit Nicky in the hip
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brewdrees65 months
Keyword = Alabama
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BobABooey65 months
They did the dinosaur!
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JackieTreehorn65 months
Centa Purnt used to be a great little area. Now it’s been ruined by certain types. Sad.
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kkv7565 months
Sad and disgusting to watch. When do we get sensible gun laws?? MoscowMitch
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ShakeandBake65 months
Plenty of gun laws already on the books. Surprisingly, thugs and hoodrats don't obey laws. Go figure.
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YStar65 months
Thugs and hoodrats? Lol are those the insecure angry white men who are doing mass murder shootings every couple of days in our country?
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Hangit65 months
Which is not what this shooting is about. It was not a mass murder. It was Ty'raquondarius, from Section 8 doing the shooting. When will we get some sensible Section 8 inhabitants?
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