We've seen your share of streakers interrupting games over the years, but we've never seen this before...

A high school football game in Washington state was interrupted after a family of deer got loose on the field. Several of the teams’ coaches and referees had to work to nudge the doe and its two fawns off the field.

#washington #deer #football
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soccerfüt29 months
Vertical filming in the Pacific NW. America is screwed.
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BayouFann29 months
Backstraps and breakfast sausages!
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tWildcat29 months
Oh Deer, glad they went away.
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LSUtoBOOT29 months
Fawning over high school football.
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LSUvet7229 months
They just simply want to show the slow poke guys how fast they are
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jlbasm29 months
Mule deer aren’t the brightest
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Lynxrufus201229 months
it's a wonder fricking PETA isn't complaining about them chasing the deer off the field.
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Sput29 months
They pull that crap in Louisiana they will be field dressed and grilled by halftime
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