Security Guard Slips & Accidentally Trips Tiger Woods During His Masters Round
© Rob Schumacher-USA TODAY Sports
As a Masters security guard you have two jobs, 1.) Keep people back. 2.) Never touch a player. Then this happened to Tiger Woods on the 14th hole at the Masters on Friday...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Cobb Dawg65 months
Can’t stand TW. Hope he fades away soon.
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JackieTreehorn65 months
Larry Leo is a security guard?
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MrKnowItAll65 months
Paul Blart: Golf Cop
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kkv7565 months
Tiger's is acting, but the security guy is an idiot. Typical low level intelligence, low level education security guard who thinks he is more important than he is, which is not at all.
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LesnarF565 months
I don't give 2 shits about Tiger but that security guard looked like he was sliding into second base. WTF?
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smash williams65 months
Looked like a soccer play
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LurkerTooLong65 months
Tiger looked like Harden after contact
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crazycubes65 months
Cops will do anything to keep the black man Down these days , SMH
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JustinT3765 months
Victimhood mind set is strong with this one.
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Skinny65 months
Wow that couldn't have gone any better. So instead of protecting Tiger the security guard slips and ends up injuring Tiger? Haha, that's perfect.
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pmacattack65 months
Tiger went to the school of Harden flops
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bengalman65 months
Doing his job and barely touched him....Oscar goes to TW!
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wallowinit65 months
fricking tiger acting like he was hurt. assholes always look for excuses.
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Martini65 months
Did he complain about it? He birdied the hole.
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atltiger648765 months
Tiger didn't complain at all. Birdied the hole. And during an interview after the round, he laughed it off.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy65 months
About time that golf has some contact. Why are the announcers whispering?
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AtlantaLSUfan65 months
Security guy taking his job way too seriously. Then slips and nearly takes out the player he over protecting.
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Insideradvantage65 months
What I saw was him trying his best to do his job.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy65 months
You are an idiot
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